Chapter Four: Sea Serpent Scandal

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Alpha Micha looked shocked, as did the other Lupine.

He stuttered, clearly against the motion. "You're the moon's chosen form I can't -- I won't -- allow you to risk your life. It would be disrespectful!"

I stared at him coldly. "I am not a child, and I'm a Lupine like everyone else here. I'm not going to stand by while others fight for me. You know what would be disrespectful? Dishonoring one of your own by not allowing her to fight for her people. Now kindly move aside. I have a giant snake to fight if you don't mind."

He backed off, leaving me a clear path to the water. I made my way up, ignoring the murmuring behind me.


Dakota ran up. He was clutching a polished dagger and a pair of hunting knives, one blade longer than the other. He thrust the knives into my hands.

"I'm coming with you," he said, holding up his hands to stop my protests, "No, I'm not here to stop you, no, I'm not going to change my mind. Nice speech by the way. Let's do this."

Suddenly unable to speak, I nodded, following him. We stopped at the water's edge. The faint outline of the serpent lay curled deep below.

I gripped the knives tightly, but relaxed my body and picked up a stone, hurling it into the water.

The serpent surged forth in anger and I yelled to Dakota over the noise, "Jump on!"

Yes, I know, not the best idea, but give me a break. I was already hyperventilating.

Clinging to the gigantic snake's slippery scales, I slowly make my way up closer to its enormous head. Dakota tapped my leg to show he was with me. The serpent squirmed and bucked, trying to throw us off.

It dove underwater, roaring, and I used the knives to anchor myself in. Sooner or later, if I kept stabbing at it, the serpent would surface. 

It had to. Right?

I was starting to black out when it swam up, leaving crimson ribbons of blood in its wake. Gasping, I gulped in the fresh air and began climbing once more. Looking below, I found Dakota's pale face among the gray scales.

Good, he was still hanging on.

I was about to call out when my hands slipped and I fell, hitting coils of the snake as I went.

Oh, snap. I hadn't anticipated this.

A hand reached out and caught my wrist, and my feet dangled over open water while Dakota pulled me up.

"What in the world do you eat Mel? You weigh a ton!" Dakota's muffled voice reached me.

I retorted, "We're both soaking wet, what do you expect? You're not exactly a feather either."

Once I felt the snake's cool scales again, I wrapped my legs tightly around its body, carefully hoisting myself up. Dakota was above me now, and distantly, I heard our fellow Lupine cheering and throwing stones.

Uh, not the best idea, tribe.

I'm trying to lead it away from you, not let it devour you guys. Throwing stones won't exactly make it ignore you.

We finally reached its head, Dakota helping me up as we were side by side. The water serpent shook its head, trying to get us pesky Lupine off.

Now soaked to the bone, I pushed my hair out of my eyes, meeting Dakota's steady gaze. He held up three fingers, calm even though the monster was writhing under us.

Two fingers.

One finger.


I braced myself and buried the two knives up to their hilts, and Dakota stuck his dagger between the protective scales. The serpent shuddered violently, sending even more ripples into the already stormy waters.

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