Chapter Fifty Seven: Training Begins

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The man closed his eyes briefly at Sora's question.

"Let us begin with the basics first," He said. "You are in a network of tunnels underneath the Raven's Claw as of right now. The world above is in chaos and I thought best for you to be sheltered from that for a brief moment. As for what happened, the traitor let lose the Predators during the competition. The dark magic wielder managed to disappear right under my nose just as I caught up with him. Many got out safely, but many also fell before I could arrive with the wolves. "

"Why did they attack her in the first place?" The mamba spoke up.

"Ah, yes, that." The man furrowed his brow. "I gave the wolves specific orders to protect this place from any intruders. They did follow my instructions to the word before but lately somethings overcome them. A sort of bloodlust that I haven't seen from them since I tamed them. The Predators are upsetting the balance of things and affecting the wolves since they draw energy from the world around them. As things progressively get worse, so will they."

"Then what are you going to do about it?" Ash asked. "You can't just leave them out where they can hurt people."

His gaze darkened. "I most certainly could, but I have no wish to do so. I've set a temporary field of magic around this area. No one will disturb us, not even the Predators. I've sent my wolves away for the time being in their world."

"Most importantly," I added in suspiciously, "Who are you, exactly, and what do you want with us?"

The man leaned back and steepled his hands. "I go by the name Alastar. Who I am is irrelevant for now. As for what I am here to do, that is simple. I'm here to train you."

Sora jolted in her seat when she heard him say his name. Her eyes went wide and I shot her a questioning look. She shook her head. Later. Ash seemed puzzled and I frowned. 

Train us?

Alastar nodded to himself. "You're wondering who I am to tell you this, to take charge of you, I suppose." He snapped his fingers and all of a sudden the five elements were dancing in his palm, one spinning on each finger. We sat, slackjawed. Someone gasped. "What you need to know is that I was commanded by the deities who gave you your powers to do so. I know this magic inside out, and now I will pass some of my secrets to you."

Ash sat forward, utterly entranced. I couldn't help but be so too. Us four could barely control one element, let alone master all five. We were chosen to represent one, and here in front of us was a mage who could command all. Sora was watching intently, and the thief also seemed awestruck.

"But if you choose to enter this commitment," Alastar warned, "Beware that I will not go easy on you. One day here equates to an hour out there. Time runs differently and you will be pushed to your limit. I will help mold your abilities and shape your control, but the rest is entirely up to you to do."

We sat in contemplative silence for a long while, each of us battling with their own demons.

Should I? 

I need the help, and to be honest, I also need training with weaponry. I don't ever want to touch those knives again.

I should. I really need training.

But who is this guy? Why did Sora react like that when he said his name? I can't help but be suspicious of him after all this stuff that's been going on.

And he attacked me -- or his wolves did. I'm not about to forget that.

"Ah, what gives," Ash said suddenly, the first to break the silence. "I'm going with him. I need this if I'm going to fight the Predators." He locked eyes Sora, the thief, then me, his gaze lingering a second longer. "We need this."

I glanced at him from the corner of my eye. He was set on this, determined to see this through. I wavered, still unsure.

Then I remember what I'd said to him before.

No matter what you decide to do, you know I'll follow that decision. I can't vouch for the others, but if you choose to go then I'll go with you.

That decided it for me.

"I'm going too," I said calmly. I looked up at Alastar. "I'll train."

Sora fidgeted, crossing her arms and regaining some of her regal and arrogant air. "I might as well go."

The thief smirked. His scarf was pushed up to his forehead and his eyes glinted with light. "I've been with you for a while long already, Master Alastar. You know my answer."

Alastar -- or Master Alastar, as the thief put it -- nodded again. "Very well, but before we continue, I need to address one important matter with you all. Pay attention and don't interrupt me."

When you put it like that, you know it's almost impossible for me not to talk.

His gaze cut straight across to me like he knew what I was thinking.

I held my tongue.

"Out on the field, I saw you all wielding your abilities carelessly." He began seriously. "These gifts are not to be taken lightly. You all have special abilities besides the basic element control. You there," he pointed at Ash. "Name a few of your companions' traits."

Ash thought for a moment. "I can see visions, Mel -- I mean Melody -- has healing abilities, and I'm not sure about Sora and him."

Sora spoke. "I got some training from my family. My ability, the one passed down from my family, is and has been hypnosis."

Hypnosis? Now I have something else to worry about.

Alastar now gestured to me. "List some of the side effects of using these special abilities."

I could see he was going somewhere with this...I just didn't know where.

"I've heard the side effects for the visions were flashbacks and blackouts, the like," I said. "For mine, I see the other person's memories. Other than that, usually, a lot of energy is drained."

"That's strange," Sora said. "I don't usually get side effects from using the powers." The thief chorused his agreement.

We all turned to Alastar.

He sighed wearily. "That is because those are not the true side effects of using your special abilities. This comes with the lack of training and the people's dismissal of the truth. Normal element control will only sap at your strength.

"Using those special abilities does something different. Those times you had visions or saw memories is because the deities were showing you something you needed to be shown. They were toying with you in a way, bound to mislead you slightly and nudge you back onto the right path. Those are not the real side effects.

"Each time you use your abilities, depending on the duration and situation, you lose a piece of your lifespan.

"Now, ask yourself this: How many times have you used it already?"

(Side Note: Ooh things are about to get weird. And a bit spicy. Also, throw salt into the mix. It's going to be the whole fiasco.)

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