Chapter Thirty Eight: Captivated

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It was impossibly warm and comfortable, and I snuggled in deeper. I sighed in contentment, wishing I could stay like this forever.

Then something under me moved and I opened my eyes in surprise.

Hoisting myself up, I blinked in confusion as I stared into Ash's grey eyes. His gaze held me captive in a trance until he smirked and I realized what was happening.

Ash's arms were draped carelessly across my waist while I leaned my head on his shoulder. Our legs had somehow gotten tangled together in a way that made me flush. And when I looked down at myself...

With a yelp I jumped back, bringing up the blanket to cover myself.

The top two buttons of my shirt had come undone, and though it was still by far modest, I scrambled to redo them. Frantically trying to cool my face, I demanded, "What the heck happened last night?! And why am I on the bed?!"

Ash kept his insufferably mischievous expression and replied smoothly, swinging his legs over the side of the bed, "Yeah, I want to know too. I'm not the one who started..." He halted, switching gears. "...what did you dream of last night?"

Flustered by the situations and turn of events, I stuttered unconvincingly, "Um, just, uh, n-nothing."

His gaze darkened and he stood, backing me into the corner. He lifted his hand, tracing it up my arm and I shivered. "Then why were you crying yesterday?"

I felt my face shut down automatically and I turned my head. "I don't want to talk about it."

The truth was so overwhelming that I didn't want to go back to it just yet. Not yet.

Ash cupped my chin with a calloused hand and forced me to look at him. "Melody..."

He leaned in closer and my breath hitched.

What was happening? What were we doing?

We were almost nose to nose when the door crashed open and Dakota barged in. "Hey guys -- wait, what are you two doing?"

Exactly my question.

I hurried past Ash and into the washroom, barely registering the annoyed look on his face and Dakota's furious gaze on Ash.

After quickly dressing and making sure I was calm and composed again, I stepped back out. I paused in the doorway, hearing shouts of an argument.

Dakota yelled loud enough to wake Sora in the next room. "Leave off her!"

Ash scoffed, balling his hands into fists. "You're one to talk. Do you remember what you did to her just a couple nights ago? You got drunk and decided to be an idiot!"

They both took a step forward threateningly and I thought it was about time I stepped in.

"Hey!" I said, raising my voice to get their attention. "Breakfast first. Then you can fight all you want. But not here."

Dakota gave me a once-over while I braided my hair and I narrowed my eyes, my words coated in venom. "Look somewhere else before if you know what's good for you. Go wake up Sora if she's not already and meet us in the lobby. Now get out."

I saw the smirk flit across Ash's face and I poked him in the chest. "You still have some explaining to do."

Calming myself down was no use. As soon as he looked at me, shivers ran down my body.

Ash grinned. "Now who's in charge? You can be scary when you want to be, you know."

For some reason, it rubbed me the wrong way and I stiffened. Ash saw my mood change and stepped forward. I brushed past him, making my way down the stairs to the inn's lobby that doubled as a diner.

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