Chapter 3

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Tawfiq was in his office at CaPeCo. He had to manage a few extra things at work because Anita and Daniel (Anita's husband) were on a family vacation with their children.

He was going through a few documents when he heard commotion outside the office. Just then someone burst into his office, shouting.

"It is my sister's company as well. It used to be mine as well. I can come here anytime." The person who Tawfiq identified as Karen by her loud screeching voice said to Tawfiq's PA who followed in after her.

"She wanted to see you but I insisted that you were busy. She didn't want to understand. She said it was also her sister's company." Alex reported. Karen just crossed her hands and scoffed.

"That's alright, Alex. You can go. Thank you." Tawfiq dismissed the young man.

He had hired him a few weeks ago. The warning Naima had given him always rang in his head.
Don't talk to any girl.
And even till now, he couldn't be close friends with the female workers at CaPeCo. No matter how kind they were. Some were also wise to steer clear of him after Naima had slapped Karen a few years back.

And even with everything going on between them, he still took her words to heart. Having a PA who was a girl meant constant conversations with her, so he ended up choosing a boy instead.

"What do you want, Karen? It's your sister's company but this is my office. So next time, kindly let my PA do his work. You can leave." Tawfiq said to her without sparing her a single glance.

All his attention was on the papers in front of him. He had so much to do. And he had been slacking because of his inability to concentrate.

"Not even a hello. Anyways..." Karen walked towards the seat facing him and sat down.

Tawfiq raised his head and furrowed his eyebrows.

"I heard about your separation. I just came to confirm it." Karim smirked.

Somehow-Tawfiq had no idea how-the news that he and Naima weren't together had spread in his workplace.
Maybe someone must have overheard him speaking with Dean over the phone about it or they must have concluded it after they realized Naima hadn't come around his workplace for almost three months. The latter seemed like the answer because Naima didn't fail to come to his workplace at least once each work. Even if she was at work, she'd pass by during lunch.
So when suddenly she stopped coming, people started to suspect something was up and well his disheveled wretched self did nothing but prove them right.

"From the looks of you..." Karen eyed him up and down. "I can see it's true."

Tawfiq rubbed his face. He wasn't ready for this conversation. Especially with... Her.

"Are you done? If you are done, can you please leave? You are giving me a headache." Tawfiq muttered.

"Oh I'm not done. I just got here. I'm not someone to pick up used stuff. But if it's you, then I'd be first in line." She twirled her hair with her index finger.

"You don't need to waste time sulking over the past." She got up from her seat and walked towards Tawfiq who had his eyes tightly shut to get his headache to go down.

She walked behind his desk and traced his shoulders with one finger.

"I will make you feel like you've never felt before. Like a real man should. Just forget the old stuff. Come with me." Karen said in a smooth sexy voice.
Her finger was trailing down to his shirt's button when Tawfiq held her hand in a firm grip.

"I told you to leave, Karen. Whether I'm single or married, you will never be an option for me. Get that into your hard skull. And old stuff ? My wife will never be old stuff to me." Tawfiq said through gritted teeth.

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