Chapter 39

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I told you quick updates right?
Time's not on my side so I'm trying to get in line.
Anyways... Let the show begin... There is a surprise for you Taima fans.


"Are you sure you want to go now? You don't want to investigate if it's really Karim. I feel like this was too easy. It could be a trap." Dean suggested. They hadn't been there even for a day and supposedly they had found them.

"It could be a trap. But I have a feeling it's not. It was Karim's voice. If it's a trap then I will deal with it." Tawfiq shrugged.

He was going there right this instant. He wasn't risking losing them again. Karim had given him the address and said he'd meet him at their house.

" I get it. Are you going with Habiba? Or will she stay with us? " Zain asked him.

"I don't even know. Should I?" Tawfiq asked.

"If it's really my sister, I think you should. She'd want to know about her." Zain shrugged.

"If it's really Naima tell her I miss her a lot." Zain added.

"Okay. I really hope it's her. I'm not sure I can handle it, if it isn't her...." Tawfiq exhaled and raked his hair.

"I will go with Habiba though." Tawfiq added.

He called Habiba and asked her if she wanted to go with him.
She agreed instantly and ran in to get dressed.

She came out and tried to fix her niqab on her face. Tawfiq shook his head.

"You don't need to wear it if you don't want to." Tawfiq offered. He was tired of forcing a little girl to wear something she didn't want.

"Really? What about paparazzi and all that?" Habiba scrunched her face.

"You know we also have a right to be allowed to go anywhere we want. Without anyone stopping us. You can go out anytime you want okay. You don't need to hide anymore." Tawfiq explained to her.

"So, princess, you want to go outside freely with me?" Tawfiq smiled.

"I'd love to." Habiba hugged him and he fell on his back with an oomph since he was on his knees.

Habiba got up from him and he stood on his feet.

"Let's go then. Before it gets late."


"This is it. I think." Tawfiq was standing in front of the house. It was.... big... Well he wasn't expecting that.... Knowing Naima she'd be living in a small house even though she had Tawfiq's US account to her name.

Anytime he got profit by CaPeCo, it'd go straight to that account. It hadn't been used by anyone too so it just kept piling up. Maybe she withdrew the money without letting anyone know?

"Are we just going to stand here? Admiring the house?" Habiba questioned.

Tawfiq chuckled.
"No. We are going inside I suppose." Tawfiq tried to remain positive. He tried to be calm but who could even do that.

He was going to see his family after almost 4 years. He had emotionally died during these years and it scarred him but he would get over it now.

The walked to the big gate and a security officer stopped them.

"Who are you?" He asked as he eyed them down.

"We are here to see Karim?" Tawfiq replied, unsure of what to say.

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