Chapter 22

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Writer's block is like hell.
But let's not dwell on that right now.
We have got a story to hear.


"Anything else?" Tawfiq asked Alex after he stood there awhile not leaving.
He had decided to go back to work after staying idle for almost 3 weeks. He wasn't fully ready to go back to work but he just wanted to check up on stuff. Naima... Let's just say... Was not happy about it.

" Mrs. Brown-Petrov wants to see you." Alex added.

"Me? Did she tell you why?" Tawfiq asked as he turned his attention to the young PA.

"No. Just said to tell you to see her when you get back." Alex said to him.

"When was that?"

"When she got back from her trip from Dubai. I don't mean to imply anything but she looked confused." Alex added.

Tawfiq sighed.

She had obviously found out.

"Thank you. I will see her in a while." Tawfiq said and Alex left his office. He didn't have any workload because David had done everything in his absence but he still wanted to catch up on stuff so he was going through a lot of documents.

Why on Earth would Anita go to Dubai? More people knew his secret now. Fantastic. Note the sarcasm.

He removed his glasses and rubbed the corner of his eyes and got up from his seat to go to Anita's office.

When he got there, her secretary quickly allowed him inside.
Oh so she was expecting him then.

Anita was facing the large glass window with Sylvanus by her side.

Two of them.... The more the merrier, right?

When they heard the door click they both turned. They gave him a look which felt like they were scanning him. He didn't like the look at all.

"You are back. Sorry we couldn't visit you at the hospital. We were out of town till a few days ago on Business." Sylvanus explained to Tawfiq.

"That's okay. As long as I'm fine that's what matters." Tawfiq answered.

Anita was still looking at him weirdly and she hadn't said a word, which wasn't like her. She always had something to say. The tension was getting higher. Tawfiq spoke out to clear it.

" Alex told me that you wanted to see me? "
She looked confused like her mind was somewhere else. She didn't reply. Just kept staring.

"Anita?" Sylvanus hit her side.

"Uhh... Yes..... You were saying?"She asked after she came back to her senses.

" Alex said you wanted to see me." Tawfiq said again. With his eyes on her.

"Ummm... Yes... Right.... I was just wondering... It's funny.... I don't know... I'm sure you will think I'm crazy..... I think I'm crazy...... Sylvanus said it could just be your doppelganger.... But I didn't think so..... You have the almost the same name even though his was longer... You look like him... Are you sure I'm not crazy......" Anita was babbling saying different things whiles laughing. They were too old to beat about the bush.

"I am the Crown Prince of the Emirates." Tawfiq simply stated.

Anita's mouth fell open as Sylvanus eyes widened. Now there was just silence in the office.

"I know you saw my pictures and videos of me in Dubai. It's me. I'm the same person. Next King. I didn't want to tell you like this but since you found out I can't lie to you." Tawfiq explained.

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