Chapter 31

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Updates will be pretty quick because the clock's ticking 😪😩😩
Let's get on with it then.


The hall had been set up nicely and Tawfiq could spot his father in his white thobe and golden brown bisht.. looking at him proudly from his seat upstage.
He saw Salim too with a relieved smile looking at him. He chuckled and shook his head at him.

He was walking towards them when Hamid stopped him. Oh of course he had to be there.... He was an emir after all.

"Tawfiq. I didn't know you had forgotten about tradition already." Hamid snickered and eyed his thobe.


"It's Sheikh Hamid to you. As at now, I have more power than you. I suggest you stay away from my wife and son too. If you know what's good for you." Hamid warned and walked away from him.... His steps..... A memory just popped into his mind....

"You came!" Farhana screeched.

"Yes. What are you doing here? Didn't you leave like a day ago?" Tawfiq wondered.

"I wasn't going to miss the coronation for anything in the world." She smiled in return.

"You are wearing brown...." Her eyes glowed with delight as she grinned. He smirked at her.

"I'm wearing brown...." He nodded.

"That means....."

"Yes it does."Tawfiq smiled at her.

" Hurry up then! Before Salim explodes. He doesn't want to do it but he couldn't say no to dad too. Go save him. " Farhana urged.

He climbed up the stage as everyone's gaze followed him. He looked for his mother but couldn't find her. Figures as much. It wasn't her son being crowned so she wouldn't appear for any reason.... wait till she hears the news.

Tawfiq walked to his father and said his Salaams. He bent to his level since he was seated and whispered to him.

"I will never really be ready and so I'm jumping in it. I'm taking up the responsibility." Tawfiq said quietly.

"And besides.... I can't kill Salim's dreams. It wouldn't be fair." Tawfiq explained. His father only nodded in understanding with a composed smile. They were in public so yh...

Tawfiq walked to Salim who looked at him expectantly.

"Sorry to ruin your big day. I hope you have a white thobe around." Tawfiq smiled at him.

"Thank you, Tawfiq. Jazak Allah." Salim almost cried.

"No. Thank you for everything. 13 years ago you helped me with everything and you still have my back. Even to do things I'm supposed to do. You are a real brother." Tawfiq thanked him. Everyone was just confused.

"I don't have a white thobe but I have my uniform. May I be allowed to pay homage in my uniform, Your royal highness."

Tawfiq chuckled and held his shoulder.
"That's just weird. Let's not do that. Tawfiq and Salim. Like always."

"I have to go and change then. Everyone is just staring at you." Salim said.

"Have I told you how much I hate the stare of many people?" Tawfiq added.

"You always do. Uh oh... Dad is talking with the coordinator..." Salim smirked.

"Why?" Tawfiq asked.

"Look at the screen." Salim suggested.

Sheikh Salim bin Abdul Rahim Al Fayasi Coronation.

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