Chapter 38

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Quick updates now. In my mind, I need two years to finish this book into great details but that's not possible. I'm going to try to finish it this week. In Shaa Allah 🤲
Let's get on with it then. Time is not on our side.



Tawfiq searched the area critically but she was already gone. It could be a coincidence for all he knows.

Karim was not uncommon. He couldn't just think anyone with that name was his son right?

But the way she reacted when he spoke made him think further. The person behind the veil knew who he was but didn't want to be seen. If it was Naima why would she hide from him?

"Dad? Are you okay?" Habiba held onto him. He had zoomed out and had forgotten she was standing there.

"Yhh.. I'm okay. Just a little spooked. My son was called Karim and Naima used the surname Abdul Salaam. It could really just be a coincidence." Tawfiq explained to her.

"Let's go, Princess. I'm sure Dean and Zain are already there and waiting." Tawfiq informed her.

If it really was Naima, she wouldn't hide..... right? She'd be glad to see him and this woman even had a daughter so it couldn't be Naima. If it was....... He didn't know what he'd do.


Why did she always have to be so clumsy?

Naima groaned internally. She had to be careful about bumping into people. Especially when she was holding Daneen.

She bent down to pick up the books. She realized the person she bumped into was on one knee, helping her with the books.

Well at least the person wasn't mean. She really couldn't deal with that right now.

She was coming to take the last book when the man spoke.

"I'm so sorry. Did I hurt you or her. I wasn't watching where I was going." He apologized and Naima's heart stopped... If that was even possible.

It couldn't be him. It wasn't him. What on Earth was he doing here? Her heart ran as fast as a cheetah and she was sure she'd pass out any second.

It could not be him for sure... But you can't just forget the one person you love so much 's voice. And Tawfiq had a voice that you'd know it was him even if you heard it from miles away.

She slowly raised her head up. Maybe she was overreacting. But someone tell that to her heart because it was ready to burst.

The second her eyes landed on his face, she really heard every chord in her brain snap.

He was wearing a hat that covered his face but she still recognized him. She almost cried and her panic attack started.... This wasn't part of the plan... No... No.. She couldn't breathe....

"Ummm... Dad. Is she okay?" Someone said. She snapped her head at the person.


She did the one thing that she always did when she couldn't handle stuff.... No she didn't black out.... She ran. She picked up the bag and held onto Daneen tightly as she changed directions and disappeared down an alley which lead to her house.

This was not happening.... 009 said they had uncovered the body so they knew she wasn't dead. But how did they know she was in the UK?

She walked quickly to her house without stopping. She hated the alley but it was the only way she could escape from him without him following her. She was sure he didn't recognize her since her face was covered but she could not risk it.

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