Chapter 13

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I hope you enjoy this chapter because I really don't know anymore.


"Yahya." Tawfiq greeted his old friend. Yahya was older than him by a few years but he had achieved a lot of stuff, like becoming Chief commander at such a young age.

"Tawfiq. How are things?" Yahya asked as he firmly shook Tawfiq's hand.

Naima just stood by Bella and Dean who were just fascinated about the base that was literally underground. They had been put in a tinted van which she was sure was to protect the location from them. Well they didn't care as long as they weren't being followed by anyone. The base was state of the art with weapons and machines Naima thought weren't supposed to exist.

"Everything is well. Ummmm... This is my friend, Dean and his wife, Bella." Tawfiq pointed at Dean and Bella who just waved a little at Yahya.

He directed his attention to Naima and smiled at her.

"And that is... my wife, Naima." Naima smiled at the man in the army suit with too many badges.

"Your wife?! Since when? I don't remember getting an invitation." Yahya teased.

Tawfiq chuckled.

"I keep hearing that a lot."

"Well, whose daughter is she?" Yahya questioned, wanting to know her status in society. Tawfiq's smile dropped and he looked at Naima who still had a smile on her face.

"She isn't from the Emirates. Just born there." Tawfiq explained.

"And how did that go with your mother? I'm finding it hard to believe....." Tawfiq raised an eyebrow at him and gave him a look which told him to shut up.

One thing about Yahya. He always said the first thing on his mind. He didn't care who you were or what you think.

"Well congrats on the wedding and I hope you live a long and happy life." Yahya smiled at Naima.

"Jazaka Allah." Naima spoke this time.

"I bet you are hungry. I have prepared a little something for you." Yahya said and motioned for them to follow him.


"This is too much, Yahya." Tawfiq frowned a little.

The 'little something' he had prepared was a whole buffet with different types of food for them to choose from.

"It's the least I could do. You helped me when no one did. For that, I would be eternally grateful." Yahya smiled gratefully at him.

"So eat what you can. The jet doesn't leave till early tomorrow morning. So you can rest in the room over there. I am needed somewhere. My men will take care of you." Yahya told them and left them without another word.

Tawfiq took a plate and scooped some rice with other stuff on it. He placed it on a table and turned to Naima.

"Come. Eat." He said simply and motioned to the food.

"What about you?" Naima asked.

"I'm not hungry." Tawfiq said to her.

"Then I'm not eating too. You sent away your maid with food so I know you haven't eaten." Naima frowned at him. He was being stubborn again.

"Fine." Tawfiq conceded and took another plate for himself as he dished what he wanted on it.
Dean and Bella were still deciding on what to eat.

He sat down a little bit far away from Naima. He was acting a little bit distant from her. Naima pushed her chair closer to him and folded her hands as she stared down at her plate.

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