Chapter 26

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I'm so sad already... 😩😩😩😩
I feel like crying 🙂🙂😩😩. But what must happen must happen 🙂🙂
Let's not waste time.


"You sure?" Tawfiq asked again.

"Positive. He just keeps saying 'La' anytime I ask anything in English. He is annoying the hell outta me. " Dean answered. He had left the room to talk with Dean properly so he wouldn't wake Naima up.

"He could be stalling." Tawfiq said.

"That's what I thought.... But this guy.... He's weird. He's got all these stuff written on him. I'm not sure but I think it's in Arabic... Or something that looks like that." Dean explained.

Arabic.... Writings... Oh Allah! Not them. Tawfiq thought deeply.

"Dean, check his wrist.... What have they written there?" Tawfiq asked frantically. It shouldn't be what he was thinking. No, it shouldn't. Or they would be toast.

"Why?" Dean asked confusedly.

"Just do it." Tawfiq insisted urgently.
The line went silent for a while. Before he heard Dean speak out.

"It says.... Death?.... What the hell?!" Dean questioned.

"... They are mercenaries, Dean. They shouldn't be around anymore. At least that's what my dad thought me. They were banned a long time ago. During my grandfather's time. Bring him over here. I need to know what he knows." Tawfiq said quickly.

"Mercenaries? Who would send mercenaries to kill you? Why not just a hit man or an assassin? Aren't mercenaries heartless or something?" Dean was confused. This was getting too deep.

"Because they don't feel anything even if they kill a child. As long as they finish their mission. They have no conscience and they don't talk to anyone about anything too." Tawfiq explained.

"Then how are you going to question him?" It was getting confusing as they went on.

"They are dedicated for life to serving my family. He knows that....... I'm just confused why they are after me specifically."

"Maybe they don't know you are a royal?" Dean suggested.

"Maybe... Or maybe they were sent by another royal.....Someone in my family wants me dead." Tawfiq chuckled deadly.

"Apart from Salim, Farhana, your mom and dad...... Everyone literally hates you. You left the country for 10 years and yet somehow you are still in line to become king. Honestly.... I'd hate you too." Dean revealed.

"I know they don't like me. But is it that bad that they want me dead?..... You know what? Just bring him here quietly. Without Naima knowing. "

"Sure. Just have to teach him a few manners before." Dean said angrily.

"Dean!" Tawfiq warned.

"He broke Bella's hand."

"He's all yours. Just don't kill him. I need to talk to him first." Tawfiq had to let him vent his anger. He did break his wife's hand. It was a given.


Naima had woken up later on to see the bed empty. She frowned a little but decided he could be downstairs. She took the shirt.. Tawfiq's shirt.... and wore it quickly. He had already seen it so what was the big deal. And it was comfortable too... Naima lied to herself.....
Truth was, it smelt like him and she loved it.

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