Chapter 21

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Let's get on with it then.
Imagine the rooftop like the picture up top .


"Let's.... Let's not go. I don't like this." Tawfiq frowned. Naima face-palmed herself mentally. They had been through this conversation about a hundred times and every time Naima's answer remained the same as well as Tawfiq's statement.

"We are all going and that is final. Why are you so against the idea of us.... No... Me going?" Naima gave him a skeptical look. She didn't understand him at times. Tawfiq couldn't hold himself back again as he mistakenly shouted and Naima flinched.

"Because I. Don't. Know. What. She. Wants! Damn it!..........." Naima cowered away from him.
"Sh*t! Habiba, I'm so sorry. I lost my temper again. I'm so stupid!" Tawfiq raked his hair angrily. He just couldn't control his anger. Now Naima was scared of him.

He walked closer to Naima and pulled her into his chest as he hugged her tightly. He didn't like it when Naima was scared. Especially of him.

"I'm so sorry for getting angry. We will go and see her if that is what you want..... Say something, Habiba. Please." Tawfiq pleaded with her. She moved out of his hold and took hold of his face in her palms. She looked at him with solemn eyes.

"Just....... Don't get angry like that. I get reminded of..... my dad...... And I don't like that." Naima revealed. She didn't like it when Tawfiq got mad or angry. He had this look on his face that could break Naima's heart at times.
Tawfiq's heart broke at her words. He didn't want to be like that man. He wasn't going to ever be like him. He thought.

"I'd never hit you. Never. I'm not like him. I'm so sorry I made you feel that way." Tawfiq pursed his lips in shame.

"You aren't like him. That's why I fell in love with you. But I don't feel good when you get angry.... or shout. " Naima explained to him.

"I promise, I will try to keep my anger in check from now on." Tawfiq kissed her forehead and her cheeks as Naima shamelessly angled her head for him to kiss her lips.

Where was all her innocence gone to? Eh... It's not like they were not married, right?

"Trust me babe, You don't want to do that, if I were you. That's dangerous waters and I'm not sure quotes from Clara will save you this time." Tawfiq whispered huskily into her ears as he bit into her earlobes lightly and soothed it with his tongue.

"Oh God.... What are..... you doing... to me?" Naima breathed out like she had just ran a 5km marathon. But let's be honest here....she hadn't even moved a muscle.

"I have done nothing."
Tawfiq chuckled lightly. He loved having an effect on her.... Like he did right now. She angled her head slightly as Tawfiq savored her neck like dessert. She couldn't breathe anymore and it was like time had stopped for them. Gasps after gasps escaped her mouth before she could bother to hold them back. She was lost and only Tawfiq could find her.

A shred of sanity passed by her and she instantly came back to reality.

"We..... going to.... Dear God...... meet your mom... in a while. You are going to give me a hickey if you continue that...." Naima managed to say.

Tawfiq shrugged like he didn't care.

"Don't worry. You wear a hijab don't you?"

"I wanted to wear a turban." Naima frowned slightly or she thought it was a frown.

"Sorry babe. It has to be a hijab or use one of those makeup stuff." Tawfiq chuckled as he pulled away, looking at the bruise on her neck. It wasn't painful in the slightest as Naima passed her hands over her neck instinctively.

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