Chapter 20

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I'm so hyper that I'm updating like the wind.
I do really hope you enjoy this chapter.


"Back home at last. I don't think I won't to be even near any hospital again." Tawfiq declared with a sigh when they arrived home three days after he woke up.

"Then try not to be shot again?" Naima pointed out.

"I will try to stay out of the shots of people." Tawfiq smiled as he walked into the kitchen to take a bottle of water from the fridge.

He drank it whole without pausing and us his throat bobbed up and down Naima couldn't help but stare at him. He had lost a little weight but he was still as handsome as ever. He scrunched his eyes when he realized she was staring

"You want some?" He took out one bottle for her.

"Huh? What? Huh?...." Naima was lost. She was busy eye raping him that she didn't catch what he had asked if not for the bottle in his stretched hands she wouldn't even realize he was talking about water.

"You are not here. Come" Tawfiq chuckled and signalled for her to come closer.

Oh he wasn't going to play dominant now. She could also play that game.

"No." She smirked.

"Unless you catch me first." Naima sprinted away.

"You know you can't ran away right? I will still catch you." Tawfiq said out to him. Karim was with Zain and Belinda so they were alone.

"We shall see about that. You are the one who had a bullet lodged in you almost a month ago." Naima replied as she climbed the stairs.

Before she could even start running properly, Tawfiq was already making his way to her.

She ran as fast as her legs could carry her but Tawfiq was still close behind her and he wasn't even running... Just jogging in long strides. How the hell?

When Naima stopped again to check on her assailant he had stopped and was on his knees with his hand clutching his stomach.

Saying that Naima's heart stopped was an understatement.

"Tawfiq!?" She ran towards him to check what was wrong..... Only to realize he was smirking.

"You were....

"Caught you." Tawfiq stated with a proud smirk as he got up from the ground only to take hold of Naima's hands to pull her up too.

"You cheated! You can't do that! I almost got a heart attack...."Naima cried as she hit his chest and arms.

He smiled and got hold off both of her wrist and with his other hand, tilted he head to kiss her. Every single cell in her body lit up like firework. She had even forgot she was angry at him for fooling her.

She pulled her hands out of his hold and placed it into his hair. She liked her hands in his hair every time they kissed because when she pulled, he'd groan which would send shivers down her spine. His back was against the wall and he carried her by her hips to latch her legs around his waist.

He smiled against her lips as he pulled back to leave lingering and sloppy kisses on her cheeks and her neck as he remained at her sweet spot, right by her pulse which brought out a moan from her. He continued to kiss her neck and moved downwards to her collar bone. Thank God for the turban.

She was a mess now. Tawfiq had managed to unpin and remove her turban... Note, it took her almost 20 minutes to fix it to her preference. And he used only 30 seconds to remove it from her head without hurt her. Not a  second later, he had released her hair from the bun to fall on her shoulders.

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