Chapter 43

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A/N: This might be the last chapter hopefully 🙃
I'm going to school today so I'm not sure if I can write the actual epilogue which will show how everything turns out in the future.
I'm so sorry guys.. I really am. I'm sad about it.
But don't worry.
In Shaa Allah I might be back in April to do that.
Don't get me wrong. This is the last chapter. But not the epilogue.
I will leave it in a way that you don't need to read the epilogue.
Wish me luck. I might just come home with a new story... But that will be after 2020 May... Unfortunately 🙃💔
Anyways let me not bore you.
I just want to say Jazak Allah ❤️❤️
You guys have shown me much support and love in my books and I'm grateful. We got to 5k before I went to school.. In just 2 months.... That's even faster than Hidden. 😩😩✨✨
You guys are just awesome ✨✨
I will miss you all. I didn't put this at the end. You might be too sad or happy and not read it. I will miss my babies so much. It hurts to end it so soon. But as I said before all good things must come to an end.
I wish you guys the best of luck with everything you do.

FarakhanRashid ❤️

The story must still go on. So let's get going ✨😩😆


"Habiba?" Tawfiq said with a look of surprise and shock plastered on his face.

Tawfiq started moving towards her. Karim was asleep, with his head on the table. Poor boy must be tired. When did they even get here?

Tawfiq was almost there when Naima got up from her seat to hug him tightly.

She wrapped her hands around his back and placed her head on his chest. It was abrupt that even Tawfiq was caught off guard. He wasn't sure what was happening. He had his hands by him because he was confused. That's when he heard her sobbing.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" Tawfiq pushed her back a little bit to look into her eyes.

"I'm fine." She answered him. She didn't realize how much she missed him.

"When did you get here? And why are you crying?" Tawfiq wondered.

"I got here today. I don't even know why I'm crying."

"You shouldn't be crying so much, Naima. I get hurt every time I see you cry." Tawfiq brushed away a tear from her face.

"Why all of a sudden? I mean why are you in Dubai all of a sudden and with the kids?" Tawfiq questioned her.

She hadn't been to Dubai before. Maybe Abu Dhabi but she just went there with Dean to get Tawfiq.

"I-I came to see you?" Naima managed a small smile.

"Me? Why?" Tawfiq was confused. Did she leave the UK with the kids just to see him?

"I'm sorry, Tawfiq....."

"No. Naima. It's enough with the sorrys'. Don't tell me you came all the way here to tell me that you are sorry."

"No! Just hear me out first. Please." Naima pleaded with him.

Tawfiq looked at her skeptically. He hoped she wasn't coming to give him a full lecture on how sorry she was. Whatever had happened had already happened. No amount of apologies could change that.

" Fine. " Tawfiq conceded when she gave him a sad look.

"I know I hurt you so much.."
Tawfiq looked at like she was stating facts they both knew already.
However, Naima continued.
"I know that I was mean and unfair to you. All you ever did was being the most caring and loving person to me. I wasn't brave enough for you. I didn't fight for us. I ran away because it was the easiest option to me. You have been the only one fighting for both of us even when I had given up. I should have been your anchor but I was just the reason you kept sinking. I know I have no right to say this to you. I have hurt you more than anyone ever has. I know you didn't expect that from me but I still did it. I still casted you out of my life. Just because I thought you brought pain and chaos to me and the kids. "

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