Chapter 32

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I told you quick updates right?
Which old face is coming in this chapter?
Let's find out, shall we.


"Find her." Tawfiq simply said.

"It's not so simple, King Tawfiq. She might refuse to see us or speak to us...."

"I said find her! Bring her here! I don't care how! Get me Karen."

That was how come 3 days later, Karen was standing in front of him. You could tell she was shaking. If she was so scared, why did she tell half the world that they dated.....

"Long time, Karen." Tawfiq calmly began. His anger was getting out of control so now he had decided to make sure he was always calm. He couldn't rule a whole country if he wasn't able to control his own anger issues..... It was easier said than done.

"Y...Yes. You know there are phones right? You didn't have to let your people drag me here. I wouldn't have come if my sister didn't vouch for you." She sincerely said.

She had downright refused to go with the people who had come for her. But after Anita had said that she should go because Tawfiq wouldn't hurt her, she did. But Karen knew her sister only wanted her to go so she could come back and tell her what was happening in Tawfiq's life.

"Anita. How is she?.... Let's take a walk. " Tawfiq asked her as they began to walk.

"She is fine. She wanted me to say hi for her." Karen added and Tawfiq just nodded.

"Why did you do it?" Tawfiq asked without looking at her as he kept walking.

"Do what?" She asked quietly.

"It wasn't for the money. So tell me. Why did you do it?" Tawfiq sighed.

"I-i d-don't..."

"Don't give me that. I'm trying so hard to keep calm here. You are scared of me because of last time and I get it. That's why I'm asking you calmly. So just tell me." Tawfiq looked ahead. It was the zoo. When did he get there?

"If I don't tell me will you feed me to your pets?" Karen tried to joke but the way the lions and tigers were looking at them....

Tawfiq just chuckled.

"They aren't mine. They belong to my younger siblings. I wouldn't even feed you to them, if I did, they will be expecting it all the time." Tawfiq explained.

"I didn't want to do it. I swear! You have to believe me. There was this guy who kept harassing me and following me all around. He forced me to tell him about your life and everything in it and made me give that comment. I swear on my life, I didn't want to. Anita explained how you wanted a private life so I know I messed up but I'm really really..... "

" Describe the man. "Tawfiq insisted.

" He had his face covered. I only saw his hand when he threatened me with a gun. " Tawfiq raked his hair in frustration.

" Anything you remember? I want to find him. " Tawfiq urged her.

" He was very fast.... That's what I remember... Wait... He limped... Yes I remember him limping too. " Karen said to him.

"That information is just what I wanted. Thank you, Karen. I know we have our differences. Maybe if you weren't obsessed with me we could have been friends." Tawfiq added.

"Yes. Maybe. I'm sorry for being overly obsessed with you then. I'm used to getting things I shouldn't have." She apologized.

"It's a thing of the past."

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