Chapter 7

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I'm bored so I'm writing.
Enjoy the chapter.
Tawfiq's thobe up top.


"It's been weeks. I haven't heard anything from him." Naima told Zain over the phone. He was currently in Africa, Ghana to be precise. Belinda had gone back to her home country a few months ago so Naima was sure Zain accepted the job offer before it was given.
They were working on some constructions in the country.

"Have you tried calling him? Mom told me you guys had a huge fight and you came over. Maybe it's because of that? What did you guys even fight about for you to come all the way to Valley View?" Zain questioned. He was surprised. Tawfiq and Naima didn't seem like people who could have a huge fight.

"It's.... nothing. But we were on talking terms before he left. He promised to keep in touch." Naima frowned. She wasn't going to tell him about Tawfiq. He should be the one to tell them.

"If he promised then I'm sure he will try and be in touch. Maybe he is a bit busy and preoccupied?" Zain questioned.

"Maybe I'm thinking into things too much." Naima said.

"Yes you are, dear sister. Anyways what's going on in the outside world?" Zain asked.

"Why are you asking me? Am I Google? Check your phone." Naima laughed.

"Where we are now there isn't any internet connection. If I was to tell you were exactly and how exactly I was able to receive your call you wouldn't believe me." Zain explained.

Yaa Allah. Thank you. Zain would have known by now that Tawfiq was the Crown Prince, since it was all over the place.

" That's.... Sad. " Naima couldn't hold back her smile but it showed in her voice.

" You sound happy that I don't have internet connection." Zain was sure Naima was smiling by now. Just then Belinda came by him asking who was on the phone.

"I heard someone's voice. Is that Belinda? Zain, are you with Belinda?" Naima questioned. He was obviously with Belinda. No one's voice was like Belinda and the accent too.

"Maybe." Zain simply said.

"Zain." Naima said in a warning tone.

"Fine. I'm with her.... Here talk to her." Zain grumbled and handed the phone to Belinda.

"Naima?" Belinda called out to her.

"Belinda! Oh my God it's really you. What are you doing there? I have missed you a lot. How are things going back home?" Naima asked all at once.

"Well, I'm doing great. I have missed you too. More than you can imagine. But I will be coming back to the US soon so don't worry." Belinda avoided the question of what she was doing with Zain.

She had been at home, in her room asleep when literally everyone in her house flooded her room waking her up.

Their reason being, a handsome white man looking for her. She was confused at first but when she went out only to see Zain she was dumbfounded.

"How is everyone back home? Dean? Bella? My handsome Karim and Tawfiq too?" Belinda wondered.

"Well Dean and Bella are gone on their usual escapades. Leaving Nick with his grandmother. Karim is growing up way too fast. Tawfiq is outside the country at the moment. He's gone back to the Emirates." Naima explained to her.

"Oh that's cool. Send my love to everyone. I gotta go. I'll talk to you soon." Belinda said her goodbyes and handed the phone back to Zain.

"What are you doing there with Belinda?"Naima pushed the question.

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