Chapter 27

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So the last chapter was a bit ummm... Rough....My babies 😩😩💔💔
But let's not dwell on that.
The show must go on. With or without them.


Tawfiq woke up suddenly when cold water was splashed on his face. He had been unconscious for a long time now and he didn't even know what was happening and where he was.

That's when all the memories started coming back to him.
Naima... Fire... Karim... Explosion....

His breathing instantly increased. They were dead? His mind must be playing jokes on him.... He couldn't believe it.... He didn't want to.... If they were dead then he had failed in his promise to always protect them.

"You slept really long. Thought you might be dead." The man in front of him suddenly said. His face was fully covered so Tawfiq couldn't tell who it was.

"You bastard! Damn you! You killed my family!" Tawfiq tried to get up and attack the man only to realize he had been chained by his legs to the wall so he couldn't get that far. His head pounded. Most likely from him being hit in the head three times. He ignored the pain though.

"They were just pawns. You made the mistake of bringing them in your messed up life." The man said with no emotion.

"Pray I don't get out of here. Pray really hard. Because when I do get out of wherever the hell I am..... Killing you would be the first thing I do." Tawfiq said...rather calmly but you'd have to be a fool to not to detect the venom behind it.

The only thing that kept his cool.... The only people that made him feel compassion... The only people that made him sane..... They were gone..... and guess what.... He snapped.

"You think getting out of here will be easy? I have trained mercenaries at every point here. It'd be a suicide show if you tried to escape. Anyways I could kill you before that happens." The man shot back.

Have you seen a psychopath smirk before? I haven't... But just imagine the smirk plastered on their face... That's what Tawfiq did. He smirked.

His face went from a full blown smirk to a smile and then a grin before he broke out into a laughter..... Ummm....

The man must have thought he was mad but didn't say anything. He tried to control his laughter but he couldn't help it.... Maybe he had really gone mad.

"I'm sorry... Pardon's just that I find you funny..... I'm not sure you know what is happening here. There are three options." Tawfiq looked at the man and shook his head at him.

He scrunched his eyes and walked back and forth as he showed his index finger.

"1. I end up escaping.. Alive... Even after all your threats. That would mean I'd find you one way or another and let you suffer... Rather slowly if you ask me.
2. I escape and your minions kill me before I get out..
And 3. You kill me yourself.
Let's just say, someone ends up dieing. Whether it's you or me. It will depend." He paused and smirked.

"One thing is definite though. In all cases it's a win for me. If you die... I get my revenge.. If I die though... I get what I have been praying for the since I woke up. I have nothing to live for so I'm not afraid to die...... So you can do your worst." Tawfiq stared right at him as he ended his rant.

The man didn't say anything again and he left the room with a little limp.
Tawfiq sighed and closed his eyes. He really didn't care if he died. But he would be happy if he didn't. Some people had to answer to him.

I'm so sorry, Habiba. I failed to protect you and Karim. I shouldn't have left you alone. Maybe I shouldn't have fallen in love with you. I shouldn't have married you. You would still be alive if I never appeared in your life.....I brought you so much pain. You cried because of me. You got hurt...physically and emotionally because of me. But you still stayed and you ended up having to die... Just because you knew me. Everything that happened to you... Was because of me.

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