Chapter 28

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I'm on a timer now.
School reopens in about 18 days and I have to finish the book before that.
I hope I do.
The show must go on.


"What do you mean you have no idea!?" Mohammed slammed his fist on the table angrily. He was having an emergency meeting with his council.

"They tried to kill my son! And only someone of royal blood can order them to do that. But not to my son. Not to a crown prince." Mohammed glared at all of them in the room.

"But, Sheikh Mohammed... We... We are all aware that.. Your son does not want to take over the throne." The council man from Dubai said fearfully.

"Talk that way about my son like that way again ... and your head will go rolling." Mohammed gave him a stern face.

"asif. (Sorry)" The man apologized quickly.

"Find the leader of the mercenaries.  His friends think he wasn't in the house. If he wasn't then they might have him. They better not lay a hand on him." Mohammed bellowed.


"Umph.... Is that the best you've got... Umph..." Tawfiq taunted as the man kept kicking him in the gut. It hurt.. But he wasn't going to let him get the feel of seeing him in pain.

He wiped the side of his lips and saw blood. He managed a laugh.

"You think... Kick.. this is.... Kick... funny... Kick?" The man growled as he put all his anger in his kicks.

Tawfiq coughed out blood as he tried to take all the kicks without dying.

"I think you... are just... angry at yourself." Tawfiq managed to say with a smirk.

The man stopped his assault when his phone rang.

He picked it out and answered.

"Yes?... What?....... Are you sure?..... Damn it!...... I have to end it........ What do you mean no?...... They are here?....... See you outside....." The man put the phone in his pocket.

"You are so damn lucky..... Your people are here..... See you on the other side....." He turned away and left.

"What?! Which people?! Wait!" Tawfiq managed to get up but fell back down. He heard the door rattle and he moved back only to see the mercenaries enter inside.

Where they here to kill him? He thought. He closed his eyes. At least he'd be with Naima and Karim. He waited and waited and waited..... But nothing happened. He opened his eyes to see the mercenaries on one knee with their heads lowered and with their guns and knifes in front of them.

What was happening?

"naetadhir ean kl shay'! hayatuna nuqadimuha katewid. yjb 'an naerif , al'akhta' laysat Lana" (We apologize for everything! Our lives we offer as compensation. We should have known, mistakes are not us.)

Mistake? They call everything they had done a mistake?! His life was gone. Everything he loved was gone! Naima was dead. The woman he loved with his whole being was gone... Forever... His only child was gone and he hadn't even seen the world enough yet and they called it a mistake?

Tawfiq broke. The tears fell so fast as he placed his face in his wasn't from the pain of being kicked continuously. But from losing everything he had in his life. His own family..... He got up and ignored the pain shooting in his whole body. He hadn't eaten anything since he got here. He was already weak as it was.

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