Chapter 25

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Anything that happens from here on... I'm sorry 🙂🙂🙄😂😂... Don't kill me....
Here it is...


"I didn't catch a face." Tawfiq said to Dean. He had come over to their house when he heard of the shooting incident.

"Tinted. Then how did they try to shoot?"

"Opened the window a little bit just for the gun."

"I'm beginning to think this is the work of a really smart person....A hit man... Or even an assassin. It's dangerous out there for you." Dean shook his head and rubbed his forehead.

"I really don't care. But I don't like to think Naima and Karim are in danger. I just want to know why they are after us." Tawfiq groaned in displeasure.

"Have you asked your mother.....

"Said she isn't involved. I believe her. She wouldn't try to hurt Karim or me." Tawfiq said.

"But Naima?... "Dean questioned.

"She said she wouldn't dare especially when she knows that I would take the bullet without thinking." Tawfiq chuckled.

"Yes, right. There is that too." Dean acknowledged.

"Where is Naima though?"Dean asked. He hadn't seen her since he arrived.

"If I told you, you wouldn't believe me." Tawfiq said seriously but you could detect playfulness in his voice.

"Hit me with it." Dean said confidently.

"She's in the basement.... Specifically the gym.... Working out.." Tawfiq replied with a laugh. Dean broke out into a fit of laughter.

He couldn't control himself. When it came to exercising, Naima was the laziest he'd ever come across. She'd just do like 3 minutes and complain about it the whole day

"Gym!..... Why the hell?!..... How long has she been there?!" Dean laughed his head off.

"She wants to be fit enough to run if something happens. She's been at it since morning doing God knows what. I finished a few hours ago and she is still down there." Tawfiq seriously said this time.

"She was really spooked enough to start exercising." Dean controlled his laughter.

Naima hated exercising a lot so if she had decided to do it then she had a really good and strong reason.

"I don't want her to feel weak. I'd run miles with her in my hands but if she wants to be strong enough to do it herself then I'm with her. That's why I haven't stopped her." Tawfiq revealed to Dean.

"You should go and check up on her. I'm sure she is dying there." Dean smiled sincerely.

"I have to go now and meet Bella. She is trying to track the shooters as I speak." Dean bro hugged him when he got up from his seat.

"Yeah. Thanks for the help." Tawfiq appreciated their help in finding the people trying to hurt his family. He walked him to the door to bid him farewell. He was almost out of the door when he turned to face Tawfiq.

"Be careful and stay safe. I know how stubborn you are but don't do anything stupid. Leave everything to me for once before you do something you hate yourself for forever." Dean warned. Tawfiq just smiled tightly

"And oh... Good job with the tires. Beginners luck I suppose." Tawfiq laughed at his attempt to praise him. Shooting moving tires was more difficult than people thought. But he had done it at the first try.

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