Chapter 17

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I'm ecstatic to write this chapter 😁😁
I hope it turns out the way I want.


"Everything?" The woman in the bank behind the glass that divided them, looked at her weirdly. He was trying to cash out 1 billion dollars, even Tawfiq would have thought it was a little suspicious.

"Yes. Please." Tawfiq smiled at her.

"I'm not sure if it's something I can do. It's a lot of money." The lady looked confused.

"Can I speak to your manager then?" Tawfiq was desperate. He had to get the money and soon. They were running out of precious time.

"Let me call him." The woman replied quickly.
She picked up the phone and dialed the managers number.

"Good afternoon, Sir........... Sorry to bother you but I have a customer her and he wants to cash out one billion dollars........... Yes sir.......... You heard me right.......... One billion dollars........... His ID card?..........It says Tawfiq Abdul Rahim.......... He does have the money in his account, sir................. Sorry, sir........... Yes sir?............... I should?...... Really?........ Okay, sir............ I will tell him to take care of it.............. Good day. " Tawfiq heard her part of the conversation.

" My boss wants you to see the large withdrawal secretary. He is right behind the door there. " She said to him.

" Thanks. " Tawfiq followed her directions and knocked on the door and entered a while later.

" You must be Tawfiq. My boss said you wanted to withdraw one billion dollars. Any reasons? It's a large sum to keep on yourself. " The older man engaged in a conversation Tawfiq was trying so hard to avoid.

"Yes, I know. But I have reasons and I'm running a little late. So if we could get everything over with, soon.... I'd be really happy." Tawfiq explained to him. He gave Tawfiq  a skeptical look.

"Okay. You just need to sign a few things. I will be back with the money." The man smiled and left the office.

Tawfiq quickly signed the papers and at the back wrote something down for the banker. He hoped it would help them in case anything went wrong there. It was a risky bet.

About 30 minutes later the man entered the office with two duffel bags followed by a security guard with another two bags. Wow... the money looked a lot more than he had thought. He had withdrawn almost 400 million from his account before his father gave him the rest of the money.

The man dropped the bags by Tawfiq.

"Each bag is 250 million. We can do a recount if you want...." The man offered.

"No... I trust your judgment." Tawfiq said to him and got up from the seat.

"I hope you know what you are doing." The man said with a serious face. Leaving the bank with so much money was a dangerous thing and wasn't really a good idea.

"I do. You should go over every page to see if I have signed everything. I need to be on my way then. Thanks for everything. " Tawfiq encouraged him.

"You are welcome. The guard will escort you outside the bank if you want." The man offered and Tawfiq nodded.

Tawfiq took the two other bags and the guard followed him with the other two towards the car outside, where Bella was waiting for him.

"You took your precious time. You got it?" Bella asked when Tawfiq opened the door to the back seat to drop the bags. He thanked the guard and took the duffel bags from him and placed it there too.

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