Chapter 14

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I hope you enjoy this chapter.
This book will be shorter than the first book so rest assured.
And..... There will be another book after this one but not on my babies (Tawfiq and Naima). I'm trying to make these books into series but I might go AWOL on Wattpad till I finish Senior high in May 2020(Not that far). But rest assured I will finish this book first and maybe any other pending books. But any other new book in the series will come after I finish school. Sorry for the inconvenience caused but Education comes first and I can't juggle writing and schooling. I appreciate your support a lot.
That's enough talking.... Let's get to the story.


"Stop it." Naima warned.

"Stop what?" Tawfiq acted oblivious. He had his head on her lap in the living room and his hands were teasingly caressing and stroking her tummy up and down.

"You are tickling me." Naima held back a laugh.

"Well that's the point." Tawfiq smirked.
Naima placed her hands in his silky black hair. He closed his eyes for a while before he opened them to talk to her.

"Hey babe?" Tawfiq called.

"Mhmm?" Naima looked down at him and lifted an eyebrow, something she had learnt from him.

"I don't know if I'm exaggerating or not but when your mom was here I swear she looked at me like I was going to blow up anytime soon." Tawfiq frowned a little.

"You may feel like I'm imagining it but she always had a smile on her face back in Valley View. But since I came back she looked at me like I wasn't supposed to be here......" Tawfiq explained.

It was weird. When he had come home a week ago, she didn't look at him the same way she used to. He had wanted to ask why but he had thought Naima would think he was exaggerating.
Naima bit her lower lip.

"I know.... And I'm sorry I forgot to tell you but my mom knows who you are......" Naima explained. Tawfiq looked at her for a while.

"You told her who I was?" He wondered.

"Noo! .... I'd never. I was reading an article about you and she saw it and said you looked like the person in the picture. I told her she was exaggerating but she didn't listen to me and searched you up. That's how she figured it out. But I didn't tell her anything. I told her that you would tell her when you were ready. Are you angry? " Naima frowned.

"Calm down. I'm not angry. I was just curious. I will talk to her though. Don't worry." Tawfiq calmed her down. She smiled a little and remembered something quickly. She put on her poker face.

"I don't like that look." Tawfiq muttered.

"On the subject. You went out with a woman when you were in the Emirates... Who is she?" Naima pursed her lips.

Tawfiq just grinned and smirked.
"Is that jealousy I smell? I like it when you are jealous. You look all wild and ready to kill." Tawfiq winked at her.

Naima frowned and pulled his hair which made him wince in pain.

"Ouch, what was that for?" Tawfiq cried out.

"Did I say I was jealous? I just asked a question. Answer it." Naima frowned.

"Fine.... She is my sister.... Adopted. If you were wondering." Tawfiq explained to her. A smile started to make its way to her lips but she hid it.

"Your sister? Thank God... I mean... That is nice. I didn't know about her." Naima corrected herself.

"You were so jealous. Well to answer you, no one knows about her. She is a hidden part of the family. Long story. For another time." He closed his eyes and relaxed as Naima massaged his scalp and he released a sigh of relief.

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