Chapter 19

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I hope you enjoy this chapter. Because I am feeling happy that is why I'm updating fast 😂... Don't mind me... A story awaits...


Getting out of the house with Karim was easier than Naima would have thought. They just waited till almost midnight and walked out of the house through the front door, into the garage and drove out. Like another normal day.

Frankly speaking, Zain had seen them from his room but didn't stop them. Why should he? He just informed Dean about it so as to allow Naima and her son have a little mother-son adventure. They needed it.

It was almost 1am when they got to the hospital. It was not as busy as during the day but there were still some doctors there on their night shifts and a few out-going patients.

"Will daddy be awake when we get there?" Karim enquired hopefully.

"I really hope so baby, I really hope so." Naima prayed internally.

The lady behind the desk just smiled at them when they walked by her, without asking any questions. Weird

Naima didn't bother with small talk as she walked hand in hand with Karim to Tawfiq's room. She quickly opened her purse and swiped her card to let her enter the Private room.

The sound of monitors beeping hit her like lightning. She had gotten so used to the sounds that week, that it hadn't bothered her at the time but now it just made everything so real.

She walked closer to his bed with Karim by her. She pulled a seat by the bed for her and made Karim sit on her laps. He would be able to see his father better this way.

Tawfiq's eyes were shut.... Like always. She hadn't seen his shining eyes for a while now. His golden brown eyes that always seemed to glow.

Anytime Clara opened his eyelids to check his pupils for examinations it looked almost lifeless but Naima still had hope in her. As long as the monitors were beeping annoyingly, Tawfiq was still alive.

"Daddy? Mama and me came to see you secretly. But shhhhh! Mama says we can't tell anyone so you have to keep it a secret.... Okay?" Karim whispered to his father, his little brain hoping he would answer. But even Karim knew he couldn't. If the large breathing tubes in his mouth and nose or the large machines by him was any proof that he wouldn't answer.

"Tawfiq? I know you can hear me. At least that's what Clara says.."  Naima wasn't even sure herself.

"I promised not to cry...." Naima chuckled and wiped the tears from her eyes before they could fall.

"I'm sorry.... I won't cry again. How are you? I know you are fighting real hard but can you fight just a little bit harder? For us?" Naima pleaded with him and continued.

"I miss you so much and Karim also does too. He can't stop talking about his dad being a superhero, like superman and Captain America. You really are a super hero." Naima smiled and pinched Karim's cheeks lightly as he giggled.

Karim got off his mother's lap and Naima used the opportunity to hold Tawfiq's hand, like she always did.
She squeezed his hand.

"You are supposed to squeeze my hands back you know. That is how it is supposed to work..." Naima muttered.

"You don't expect me to look after Karim alone. I won't do that. You have to wake up. If you don't, I'm going to get really angry with you. You can't expect Karim to be an only child. It's not fair to him......." Naima chuckled to herself. She was indirectly telling him that she wanted another baby and she really did want that. Just hadn't told him yet.

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