Chapter 36

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So a lot of stuff were revealed in the previous chapter.
What do you think of Daneen?
Let's get on with it then.


"I get it. You believe you are in love with Farid or whatever. Fine. Sure. But if he was man enough for you he'd come and see me first. We would talk man to... boy.." Tawfiq explained to her.

He and Habiba were still on the case of her wanting to get married. Tawfiq knew it was just a phase but she didn't want to understand that.

" But Dad!... You are intimidating... and scary... " She mumbled.

" I'm so not scary. Why would you even think that?" He chuckled as he walked ahead of her.

" I mean, you are really amazing and nice to me and Aunt Farhana and your close family but apart from that well... everyone else is scared of you." Habiba revealed. Tawfiq didn't care though.

" So? It's not about me being godzilla. It's about Farid being man enough to come and speak with me. Somehow you know he isn't brave enough. " Tawfiq turned to her. She looked away from him so he wouldn't catch her eye roll.

"I saw that." Tawfiq told her.

"I want you to understand me, Princess. Everything I do, I think about you first. How it might or might not affect you. You are my whole world and I don't want anyone to take you away from me. At least not now. Give yourself a few months to think about this. You are still so so young. " Tawfiq pursed his lips.

" Fine! I will think things through. But only because you want me to. " She gave in.

" That's good. " Tawfiq acknowledged.

" I will be going to the US in a few days. Would you like to go with me? " Tawfiq asked.

Honestly he didn't like leaving her alone for long periods of time so anytime he had a meeting with the heads of states of other countries, he'd send her, because of the fact that Hamid was still out in the open.

He hadn't even told his father or anyone else about it because he needed everyone to believe him. Not think he was jealous. Especially now that he had a weird relationship going on with.... guess who?..... Ding ding ding.... Yasmine.

Yes... Weird... But before you judge him... He had his reasons and it seemed like Yasmine still had interest in him... He wasn't being arrogant but even a blind guy could tell. She was always around him and since they were now cool... Well according to her. They had been meeting for lunch and stuff and well the media loved it.

But he had other objectives even though no one understood. Especially Farhana who wanted to cut off his head for even looking at her. Long story short they avoided talking about her when they met.

" For one of those boring meetings? Can't I just stay home?" Habiba frowned.

"I'm not going for a meeting. I'm going to meet with an old family of mine."

" Your wife's family? Really?" Habiba's eyes widened.

" Yeah. There are some stuff I need to clear up. But you can stay if you want. Uncle Salim is coming home for a while so he will be around."

" And miss the chance to meet your other family? Never. I have to pack... Yipeeee... " She clapped her hands.

" Don't get too excited. I'm not going... like... this. " Tawfiq beat around the bush. They wouldn't be surrounded by other weird people. Guards and other Emirs.

" Double Yaaaayy! " Tawfiq looked at her weirdly.

" What?! I don't like going outside the country with some weird old men.... " She shrugged.

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