Chapter 44(The Epilogue)

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So I'm back for a while - I will leave on Monday - but it doesn't mean I can't update the Epilogue right? 😴🙂. Anyways here it is.


Maybe you believe in 'happily ever after'... Maybe you don't. What you believe in is up to you.

Naima had never believed in the 'happily ever after'. To her it was just another phrase in fairytales that were said to make every happy. But there was always something after that. Nothing was ever happy forever.

To have the perfect love story, you needed your ups and downs. You needed to go through the pains of life. The sacrifices... everything...

Naima had gone through more than she had ever bargained for. More than anyone could bargain for. She had watched people she loved, die, tried to be killed, kidnapped... The worst of the worst... But 'verily after every difficulty comes ease'

And it was true. It wasn't the best of ease but it was better... way better.


"Mother." Tawfiq looked at his mother standing in front of the palace gate.

"Tawfiq." Ayisha just had her attention on Naima and the kids. She analyzed them carefully... especially Daneen.

"They are staying here. For as long as they want. I don't want that to be a problem...

" She has my brows and my golden lock. " Ayisha noted with a smile.

Naima knew Daneen had a line of golden lock in her hair but she didn't know Tawfiq's mom had some.

"She does." Tawfiq eyed the lock of golden hair he just noticed.

She walked towards them in slow strides. Naima wanted to disappear. The woman hated her and she didn't want anything rash to happen. Especially in front of Karim and Daneen.

She stopped in front of Naima and raised her hands at her. Naima closed her eyes expecting an impact but nothing. Maybe Tawfiq had held her back. But not a second later, she felt a hand on her cheeks.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted the best for my son. I wanted him to get everything he could ever dream of. I should have realized that you were one of those dreams." Ayisha explained to her.
Somehow, deep down in Naima, she understood her actions. It wasn't justifiable but she understood it.

She wanted the best for her children too. So much that she faked her own death. Everyone had their own messed up way of giving the best to their children. To Naima, it was separating her children from their father but to Ayisha it was making her son become king.

"I get it. You didn't hate me. You just hated the fact that I was the reason he wouldn't come back here. Even if it was the prettiest royal woman on Earth in my position, you still wouldn't have liked her as long as she kept Tawfiq from coming back." Naima explained to mostly herself.

"Yes. But I'm sorry now. Maybe if I had accepted you from the very beginning, everything you both ever went through would never have happened. For that reason you have my sincerest apologies. I am very sorry, Naima." Ayisha apologized.

Tawfiq couldn't even voice out his words. His mother was very stubborn-more stubborn than him-so whatever caused her to change her mind on Naima was very strong...

" I'm sorry too. I should have made him come back. You just wanted your son with you. I know how it feels to just even think of losing your son."

"You didn't know before and when you did it was still my choice to stay." Tawfiq disagreed with Naima.

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