Chapter 34

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Big reveal in the previous chapter right? But what does it mean?
Let's get on with it then 🙃


"Sit. Please." Tawfiq gestured to the couch in his office.

He was not at all dressed. Just in his usual sweats and white shirt. He had found out something and even though he didn't have proof, he wanted to be sure.

"I don't know why you called me here, Tawfiq..." Hamid began but Tawfiq wagged his index finger at him and sat on the hand of the single couch.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. We aren't friends, Hamid. We never were close. I suggest we get formal. I'm your king so refer to me with respect. We aren't on first names basis. " Tawfiq informed him. He just scowled. He had nothing to say back.

"I'm not dressed for the occasion, sorry for that. But let's walk." Tawfiq insisted as he got up from his seat.

"I don't get what you are trying to do. You invited me here or better yet forced me here. I have no connection with you anymore. I feel like you are still attacking me for taking away Yasmine...You knew I liked her before but you still approached her."

Tawfiq bit his inner cheeks to keep his cool.

" I didn't know about that. I don't get why you are so insecure about your own wife. To think she left me for you. You better let it go because I don't feel anything for her. "Tawfiq walked closer to him.

" Let's take a walk. " Tawfiq insisted further as he took the lead to the door.
Hamid got up from his seat right after and followed him out.


Have you seen someone trying to hold back from murdering someone? Tawfiq was trying so hard to get himself under control but he wasn't sure for how long.

"What do you think about working with Mercenaries?" Tawfiq asked through his teeth. All his attention was on the steps he was taking.....He was almost about to blow up....

Everything he had found out so far....

"Mercenaries? Why do you ask?"Hamid said back. His voice not wavering at all.

" No reason. I talked to the people who held me captive.... "

" You were held captive? " Hamid asked and Tawfiq almost strangled him.

" Don't act surprised. Half of the family knew. Now my question." Tawfiq insisted.

"I don't know but I'm sure we both know they aren't working anymore." Hamid replied.

"That's what I really thought. I did. But then I was held captive after I lost my family." Tawfiq revealed.

"You have a family?" Hamid interrupted with a shocked face.

"Correction. I had a family. Let's just say stuff happened. As I was saying, I talked to one of the mercenaries and they informed me that they had no idea who I was. I believe they were new to the system and were sent by someone in my family."

"Someone wants you dead? That's hard to believe. Aren't you the favored son?" Hamid actually smirked.

"It's shocking right? One thing that everyone who was in contact with my supposed family member who sent mercenaries after me was.... the way he walked." Tawfiq explained.

"Isn't that a wide range of people? Most of us walk the same here. You are being paranoid."

"I thought so too but I saw it.... The way he limped. You know why I invited you here?" Tawfiq asked but he didn't expect a reply.

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