Chapter 33

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Sadly 10 days more and I'm getting less sure that I will be able to finish.
But In Shaa Allah I will try my best to finish this book because the next time I write will be next year June.
Anyways let's get on with it.


The look on Zain's face was of pure anger. He was beyond angry. How come he made it out of the fire whiles Naima and Karim didn't? Why didn't he come to them after the fire to explain everything that had happened.

"How did you make it out of the fire?! We all thought you were inside but turns out that you weren't." Zain growled out.

Tawfiq couldn't talk. He couldn't explain himself. The memories he had tried so hard to push back were resurfacing and he did not want that. Not now.

"Let's talk somewhere quiet and private." Tawfiq insisted. They were creating a scene.

"I am not going anywhere with you! You think I'm going to ruin your high image as King? How could you just throw away everything like that?! You didn't even care....."

"You have no idea what I went through." Tawfiq gritted out. Zain was pushing him and he didn't want to lose it. Not here.

"You also have no idea what we all went through! You just left like nothing happened to go back to your rich life as royalty....

"Don't you dare, Zain! You don't know what I have gone through! You think you are the only one who is hurt?! I lost my whole world. Did you ever take into consideration I was abducted?! I watched my house with Karim and Naima in it burn down and I couldn't do anything! You know how much that broke me?! I... I was the only one who saw it?! It messes with me all the time. So don't you dare! You have no right to say I don't know what you all went through. " Tawfiq glared at him. He didn't feel like saying that much but he was testing him.

"You were supposedly saved. Dean called you so many times. We needed you to get back their bodies since it was a criminal case but what did you do? You ignored everyone."

"What did you want me to do?! The first month I arrived here I couldn't even mention their names without breaking everything around me. You wanted me to be the one to look into their lifeless eyes? I couldn't. I'm sorry but I couldn't. Everything reminded me of them. I hated everything and even everyone "

It was an exchange of words and during that time Tawfiq had forgotten Habiba was with him. The second he remembered and turned to look for her... She wasn't there anymore.....

"Ali? Where's Habiba?!" He growled out to the guards. They were supposed to keep an eye on her.

"Naima?" Zain looked shocked for a second.

"No. My kid and I can't find her! F*ck! Habiba?! I thought you had your eyes on her!" Tawfiq walked away from them. Frantically walking around and calling her name out. No... Not this again! He couldn't handle it now..... People were just looking at him weirdly as he kept shouting out her name.

"Habiba?! Princess?!"

"Habiba!" He looked around with his hands raking his hair in anger.... Weren't there cameras around?! She couldn't have been kidnapped then..... At least that's what he hoped for...

"Habiba!" That's when his phone rang. It was Ali.

"What!?" He growled out.

"We found her sir. She was at the kods playhouse on a swing. She is okay." Ali said over the phone.

"Ya Allah! Jazak Allah." Tawfiq said and ended the call as he ran to the kids play area.... And there she was. With a wide smile. The smile that had captured his heart. She was on the swing with another kid as they talked about something.

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