Chapter 35

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I hope you guys are doing great...
Anyways let's get on with it then.
I have 7 days more to go now.


"What do you mean by they weren't the one's buried?!" Tawfiq angrily roared through the phone.

"Calm down. You heard what I said. I'm not 100% sure but somethings don't add up. You said that you left her downstairs...."

"In the gym. I told her not to come out......Un...until... I came for them...." Tawfiq voiced out. He hated talking about it. He hadn't really talked about it out loud for almost 2 years now.

Habiba abruptly entered the office excitedly. She was the only one who could do that and not get an angry Tawfiq on their neck.

"One minute, Zain." Tawfiq excused himself and looked at Habiba expectantly. She was wearing sweatpants and large shirt which probably wasn't hers. She was just 8... Almost 9 anyways but her love for sweatpants were scary..... Tawfiq blamed himself for making her love it.

"Princess?" He quirked a brow.

"Dad. You won't believe what just happened! I'm in love and I want to get married!"She grinned wildly.

Tawfiq choked on air. He coughed furiously.
" What?! Married? Princess, I'm not sure you know what love is yet." Tawfiq explained to her more confused than ever as to why this was the new topic.

" But I wanna! Please dad?! " She pouted.

"Princess, you are just 8. Marriage is a bit too old for you. Who do you even want to get married to?" Tawfiq squinted at her.


" No! Princess don't tell me that you want to get married to that guy? Farida is like 100!" Tawfiq groaned.

" He's not! Dad! He's just 15..."

"16....that's twice your age. What shows he wants to marry you? He's weird. He always has girls with him and...."

"Dad! They are just his friends. He said I'm the only one he loves..." Habiba swooned. Tawfiq glared.

"Well I'm sorry princess, but I forbid you to see him again." Her eyes widened in shock.

"No! Dad! You can't do that!" She cried out.

"I'm sorry, Princess. But I can. I don't want to see him around you or he will spend a while in the cells. I know you don't want that...."

"Argh! I hate you! You are so mean!" Habiba screamed and Tawfiq's breath hitched. He looked away from her and released a breath.

He had told Habiba about Naima and Karim a few weeks ago. Habiba's angry face fell when she realized she had hurt him.

"I'm so sorry, dad. I didn't mean it like that. I was just angry..." She walked towards him.

"I understand. We will talk about it later. I have to finish a call." Tawfiq cut their conversation short.

"Okay." She reluctantly agreed.
Tawfiq nodded at her as she left the office with a pout.

He went back to the call.

"Sorry. Boy problems." Tawfiq explained.

"I understand. The way my little girl is growing, I'm not sure I will let her leave the house when she gets older." Tawfiq chuckled at Zain's statement.

"You said before you left her in the gym but in the report by the police, they found her in the bed room. When I asked them, they claimed it could have just been a misunderstanding. They made mistakes like that...."

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