Chapter 41

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**Continuation from previous chapter**


"I think he's the one sitting over there." Naim pointed out.

It was him.
He was sitting with Habiba and it seemed like they were talking about God knows what. Whatever she said after made him smile and laugh.

She hadn't seen him laughing in a really long time and she didn't realize how much she loved him laughing. He had this face he'd make when he was laughing. His eyes would close and open then he would grin wildly and let his tongue slip out to lick his lower lip. Then he would throw his head back and laugh.... It was like he didn't even know he did that but Naima knew how he laughed.... Step by step.... Which was a little weird if you were to ask.

Karim hadn't seen his father yet. He was behind them just staring elsewhere. Naima had Daneen in front of her in the front facing baby carrier. A lot of people were around so she didn't want her to be wandering around.

"Is that dad?" Karim stood by Naim when he noticed his father.

"Yes. Why don't you go ahead and say hi." Naima offered. For the first time in two days, Karim looked up at her with hope filled eyes.

"Really?" He said enthusiastically.

"Yes. I will be right behind you. You can go first." Naima informed him.

"Thank you. Thank you, Mama. You are the best." Karim said happily as he ran off to where Tawfiq was seated.

"I told you he'd be happy with it." Naim whispered to her and Naima couldn't help but smile as they started walking towards them.

When they got there, Karim was all smiles as he talked with his father.

"Salaam mu Alaykum." Naim greeted for both of them.

"Waa Alaykum Salaam." Tawfiq replied. He looked at Naima with Daneen in front of her.

"Hey." Naima said after awkward silence fell between them.

"Hello." Tawfiq responded. He got up and greeted Naim with a handshake.

Was he going to shake her hands? They were married for goodness sake. She wasn't going to just shake his hand..... She was expecting it though. But he did the one thing she didn't expect.

He hugged her. How he managed to without crashing Daneen was beyond her. The hug wasn't tight though....mostly because of Daneen who was looking at him weirdly.

"Can I?" Tawfiq asked permission to hold Daneen.

"I best be off. Naima call me when you are done. I will come and pick you up." Naim informed her. She nodded at him as he left them alone.

"You don't need to ask. She's your daughter too." Naima unfastened the carrier and Tawfiq took her in his hands.

"Hey... You remember me?" Tawfiq said to Daneen.

"I'm sure you do. I'm your dad. I wasn't able to see you when you were born but now I'm here. I will always be there for you okay?" Tawfiq smiled at Daneen who just giggled like he said something funny.

"You are still good with kids." Naima noted.

"I have always been good with them. They are the best of us. Innocent and always happy." Tawfiq answered but didn't take his eyes off the little girl in his hands.

"I know. I don't want to make this any longer than necessary. I'm sorry I did what...."

"No. Naima I don't feel like hearing it. I'm trying here. I'm trying so hard. You keep saying that you did it Karim. I have heard you. But I know you haven't changed your mind about leaving. You still think I bring pain to you. Fine. I get that." Tawfiq got up from the bench and signaled for Naima to follow him.

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