Chapter 11

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I'm ecstatic to write this chapter. I didn't update earlier because I had to plan the whole thing out before I started to write it down. Anyways I'm done so yhh...
I hope you enjoy this chapter 🤫.


"Should I go over the plan again?" Dean offered. Naima scrunched her face. She wasn't sure if she would remember everything she was supposed to do.

Okay, let's start from the beginning...or maybe a week ago. She had asked Dean and Bella to help her 'kidnap' or in their case 'adultnap' Tawfiq from his home country. They were just going to go to his home/palace and bring him back to the US and since he was a willing victim it would be very easy.... That's what Naima's brain formulated, until Dean and Bella arrived today with a really big blueprint of the palace Tawfiq currently lived in.

"So, the red dots are guards?" Naima pondered.

"Yeah,... The green one's are camera's." Dean answered her. Since the blue print was large, it was on the dining table and they were all standing by it.

"Look at it this way, avoid any place with red and green dots." Bella said in her thick Italian accent.

"But they are everywhere. Where did you even get this?" Naima wasn't sure they were supposed to have a blue print of the Emirati King's palace.

"We have our ways, it's a palace, they are supposed to have more than necessary guards. You know, you can sit this one out. I'm sure, I and Bella can manage." Dean explained.

He wasn't really into the idea of having Naima tag along. Tawfiq would not be happy.... At all. It was a simple plan but if they were not careful they would get caught and you never know what would happen.

"I'm going, whether you like it or not, Dean. I won't be in your way. I promise." Naima rolled her eyes at him.

"I'm not scared of you being in my way. I'm scared of what your husband will do when he sees I brought you to him, knowing there will be danger." Dean explained to her.

"Really?" Naima furrowed her eyebrows.

"Let the woman be. If she wants to go she can go. We will keep her safe. I'm not sure Tawfiq would come with us back to the US if Naima ain't with us." Bella defended Naima who nodded at her point.

"Fine. But you leave everything to us. You listen to what I say. We clear?" Dean ordered.

"Yes boss." Naima smiled.

"Come on. We have to go over the plan one last time." Dean told them. They women both groaned. It was going to be a long night.

"I have one question though. How sure are we that Tawfiq wants to be saved?" Bella asked skeptically. Tawfiq hadn't called Dean for help or anything at all. His last message supposedly said that he wanted to move on, so should Naima but they weren't sure if he was the one who sent it.

"I don't know, but I have this nagging feeling in my gut that he needs our help." Naima said to them.

"Okay, then. Let's follow your guts and see where it leads us." Dean shrugged.


They had gotten to the Emirates in the early afternoon and Naima had purposely dressed as a niqab. Well... She wanted to fit in and also to remain undetected.

Dean and Belinda were in normal clothes but they wore hats with those surgeon nose masks. They claimed a lot of people wanted them dead and they never knew where they would meet those people.

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