Twice Jeongyeon; different

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Requested: no
Type: a bit of angst
Based of the song DIFFERENT by woodz, it's a really good song btw. I suggest checking his songs out, it's really good :)


Everything was different. Everything used to be in good condition. Everything used to be fine until this secret that you kept to this day.

It was a secret that you were always scared of, a secret that broke you down and can destroy your trust with Jeongyeon.

She cheated on you with a man that you knew.

The secret that broke you down in tears, a secret that you hid by smiling brightly, a secret that you couldn't bare holding it.

You were sitting on the floor of the bedroom, shared with Jeongyeon. You were a crying mess, since you had a emotional break down a minute ago about the secret.

You were yelling at yourself, you were crying out a river, you were at the verge using a knife to cuts yourself but you couldn't do it.

You couldn't reveal the private pain you were holding, because you were afraid that if you reveal it you could lose the love of your life and be alone.

That was how much you loved her.

"Why does it have to be this way?" You cried out.

You question every move you've done in your life, always thinking if you were useful or not, or if you were good enough. You were always questioning about reality, but most importantly, about your relationship.

You looked out of the large window, the only source of light, bright enough to fill the room, faintly with light.

It was a bright sunny day, while you were suffering in despair.

You looked for your phone, calling up your friends for advice.

"How long, Y/N? How long have your kept it from us?" Your friend asked, over the phone.

"Three months." I replied.

Your friend gasped, surprised on how long you kept a painful secret from nearly everyone you knew.

"She could've cheated since a year ago." Your friend mumbled.

"Don't give ideas." I firmly said.

"Break up with her Y/N, besides you're going to find a girl better than her. She cheated on you, so you have to leave her." Your friend suggested.

"This isn't love Y/N. It's one sided love, but it's more painful." Your friend was right, so you talked about a plan, over the phone to break up with her.

It was the next day, the day that you swore to yourself you would heal from this pain and become healthy again.

You were cooking breakfast, a good one on a raining day.

You heard steps behind you, feeling a pair of arms laced around your waist with someone, pressed against your back.

"Good morning." Jeongyeon said, in a raspy voice.

"Good morning." You said faintly.

This moment was a moment we haven't had in forever. Ever since that secret, I was avoiding her. I would barely have enough time to spend time with her, since I was getting slower on working because of the heavy burden I carried.

"Something wrong?" Jeongyeon asked.

"I.. I have to tell you something." This was the time, where I could finally break free.

"We're breaking up." I said, as I faced her.

Jeongyeon was surprised but I saw some glistening in her eyes.

"Y-you knew?" Jeongyeon said, while shaking.

I queitly nodded, as I hang my head low, not facing the tears Jeongyeon had.

"It was painful keeping that secret." You uttered.

Jeongyeon was now in a sea of tears, it almost made feel bad that I wanted to give her a second chance but it might be trick to get me back.

I went up to her ear. "You shouldn't have cheated on me." I wispered.

Then I walked away from her, going towards our room, where my packed stuff were.

I grabbed my bag of clothing and personal belongings, as I only left one thing. An oversized sweater of mine, for her to keep.

"W-where are you going?" Jeongyeon grabbed on to you.

"My friends house, to stay for a little while until I earn enough money to buy a home for myself." I replied.

"Why don't you give me another chance?" Jeongyeon pleaded.

"You don't love me, until you realized it." I began to walk away but Jeongyeon's grip held on to me.

Tears started to flow down my cheeks.

"Jeongyeon please, you're making, it difficult." I spoke.

"No! I don't want to!" Jeongyeon held me by the waist.

You sighed, a sign that you gave up.

"If you're going to have a second chance, you to earn my trust first." I dropped the bag by the counter.

"I'll give you two days and that's it." Jeongyeon began to smile.

"Thanks, Y/N." Jeongyeon then hugged you tightly.

You hestitated on giving Jeongyeon some pats on the head, but you did anyways.

In the span of two days, the relationship improved but there's some minor trust issues that we need to work on but overall, I fell in love again.

Jeongyeon was resting beside you, on the couch while you were on your phone, playing games.

You heard soft snores that it made you a little tired, so you turned your phone off then placing it on the floor.

After, you slowly drift off to sleep with Jeongyeon by your side.

First chapter completed!

I just woke up at four in the morning and took an hour to finish this, now it's 5:28 AM.

Wtf if wrong with me.

932 words

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