Blackpink Rosé; sick

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Requested by: Lj20032003 (thank u for requesting uwu)
Type: fluff


"Ah choo!"

"Dammit, why did I have to catch this dang cold." I mumbled to myself.

I glanced at the window, seeing rain droplets all over it.

I shouldn't have grabbed the umbrella..

As you can tell I have a really bad case of a cold, because I didn't bring a umbrella and ran through the rain, stumbling upon puddles, which made it worse.

I've missed weeks of school days and I made Rosé worry about me, in which I wished that I grabbed that umbrella.

Rosé was my very first friend when I moved here, however further in our friendship I ended up having feelings for her but she's popular among the school, which makes it harder to confess because there's always boys that would want to have someone like her, and some that takes crushes way too far (the ones that would literally fight for their love).

Why do I have these feelings for her anyways?

Suddenly my phone started to vibrate, indicating multiple text messages.

"What do you want." I groaned, as I rolled over to the side of my bed.

I reached for my phone, then checked my messages from Rosé.

Hey y/n! I'm coming over with lunch!

You didn't have to do that y'know..

But I wanted to, like a nice a friend I am plus it's home-made!


"Friend.." I sighed.

I looked at the ceiling, letting my thoughts keep me busy as I wait for Rosé to come.

"Ah choo!"

Time skip

"Y/n, come on. You have to take this." Rosé tried to shove the bitter medicine into your mouth, but you kept on avoiding the spoonful of medicine.

"No, I don't want to!" You turned uour back.

Rosé sighed out of frustration, face palming.

"You need to take this, so you can go back to school, your friends are worried."

"What if I don't want to?"

Then suddenly you were turned around, facing Rosé. She crept up to your face and stared at you for a good 3 seconds, then gave you a passionate kiss on the lips.

You blushed madly, making you no different to a tomato but slightly grateful, because of your crush on Rosé.

They finally pulled away, exchanging looks that contained multiple feelings but mostly filled with embarrassment.

"C-can you take your medicine now?" Rosé stuttered.

You finally took it, making Rosé sigh in relief, but the thought of that scene earlier made you slightly confused.

"Rosé, why did you kiss me?" You bluntly asked.

Rosé looked away sheepishly. "It's because I.. like you.."

A sudden pang of shock and happiness hitted your heart, which almost made you faint, just almost, but overall you were too happy to focus on the situation right now.

"A-are you serious?"

Rosé just nodded, still shy from her confession until you leaped towards her, giving her a kiss back.

Here's your chapter that you requested Lj20032003, I hope that it's not too bad lol.

515 words

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