twice dahyun; cruel love

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A really long chapter ahead!

"Hey, y/n."



I look where the voice came from, turns out it was from a girl in front of me.

"Oh hey, Dahyun." I smiled brightly.

"Jeez, y/n. You've been spacing a lot lately." She crosses her arms.

"Sorry, anyways let's go eat lunch." I said as I look at my watch.

"Oh yeah! I made lunch for both of us." Dahyun hands me a box wrapped in a green cloth like one of those Japanese bentos.

"I made it with my room mate from Japan, I hope it isn't too bad." I gave a light smile.

"You made this with Momo, right?" We walk out of the classroom to the rooftop of our highschool.

"Yep." Dahyun moves strings of hair behind her ear, which gave me a better view at her face.

We arrive at the roof top and we see a gang of teenagers from our school, wearing dark colours under the shade, protecting them from the burning sun.

Still wearing black while it's summer? What a idiotic choice

"Hey! There's my girlfriend with her lovely childhood best friend." A member of the group laughs.

"Welcome, welcome." He hangs a arm around me and dahyun.

"How are you doing, babe?" Dahyun smiles brightly, "fantastic."

Lee Jooheon, muscular and a player but for some reason he lands eyes on Dahyun, stopping his dirty ways because of her.

I ignore the popular couple and ate the lunch Dahyun gave me but while eating I feel deadly stares from Jooheon's friends.

"What's with the silence from you, Y/n? You know we're friends right?" Jooheon holds my neck with his large hands, but not in a ready-to-beat-you up way but a playful way.

"Y-yeah we're friends but I'm just eating my lunch." I spoke quickly.

"Ah, I forgot that you're a foodie." Things got awkwardly silent until a loud chatter began to rise from the entrance doors of the rooftop.

"Pesky students, they don't know where their territory is." He sneers, then he continues to stare at the doors.

His friends looks as intimidating as him while Dahyun is casually eating her lunch.

As for me, I'm scared as fuck. Jooheon's muscles starts to tense up which made it heavier for my shoulders and his expression looks like he's ready to murder someone.

Why does Dahyun have to accept this dude as her boyfriend?

I quickly sneak in a glance towards Dahyun, seeing her eat nonchalantly makes me question myself way too much.

How does this girl have so much more guts than me???

Soon after the gang of teens finally barges into a rival's territory, giving no shits about the deadly glares they're getting.

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