Twice Dahyun; cruel love pt.2

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Days and weeks past but the memory of the hospital still stuck on Dahyun. She found out that I liked her, which made our interactions more distant and hollow. It used to be all smiles and laughter but now it's just boring greetings throughout the day.

Of course, I thought this was normal since she was dating and all that but their relationship wasn't really healthy.

After that day, Jooheon began going to parties and forcing Dahyun to join him. He slowly started to crawl back to doing his old habits which made Dahyun anxious about their relationship.

I wanted to be there, although I couldn't bring myself to do it. I stayed out of Dahyun's life for the past few weeks and we didn't bother each other during that time, so I thought she could handle it all by herself.

Until we finally had a proper conversation.

I heard the doorbell ring from downstairs, so I quickly ran down the stairs and opened the door. I widen my eyes in surprise.

"Dahyun..." We made eye contact but sheepishly broke it a second after.

"Y/n..." The atmosphere falls silent but eventually, I signal her to come in.

"So what brings you here?" I plainly asked.

"Jooheon is changing, Y/n. He's going back to his bad habits." She got straight into the point.

I raise a brow in surprise, "He is? Well, how are you.. going to deal with him now?" I hesitantly replied.

"I don't know, that's why I'm here."

"Look, I don't like Jooheon like the way I did before. He's just changing back to his bad side and I don't like that. And... I need your help to solve this problem." She randomly walks around while talking.

"What seems like is that you lost interest. Just say that you want to break up, problem solved." I spoke.

"There's another problem, I like another guy and I don't know how to confess to him... So I need your advice."

My heart shatters into pieces by the news. I didn't want to believe it but that was the reality, I have to accept what's coming.

"Just be straight forward, I guess. Guys usually don't like people who beat around the bush." I bluntly said.

I don't know if that's true or not

"What about Jooheon?" She questions.

I shrugged, "Just tell him straight up and say that you like someone else. He'll probably crawl back to you once he plays enough girls out of entertainment."

I head into the kitchen, "But you shouldn't worry, because if all goes well, then the guy you desire would be your new boyfriend and he'll protect you at all costs."

I pour water into a glass and gulped it all down, letting out a gasp at the end. "You should be alright, just don't give up," I told her.

"You think so?" I felt a pair of hands grab my waist, then they slowly lace around my waist. Dahyun's head rests on my back.

"You're the guy I like, Y/n. You cared about me and I should've noticed the signs." She holds me tighter.

"But then I was blinded by cruel love." Her voice became shaky as she back hugs me tighter.

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