Twice Tzuyu; my best friend (good ending)

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Requested by: SoMuchWowDoge

Fluff and a bit of angst

This is basically followed up by the first one but you end up with Tzuyu as your Girlfriend


A few days has passed since that day and lately we've been avoiding each other when we have the chance. So we don't sit together, talk to each other, or even hanging out with Jeongyeon.

Eventually, Jeongyeon found out what happened and began to feel pity for me, because she knew for so long but kept it from me for the sake of my heart. She never told me why I had a prosthetic leg, so she told lies instead of the painful truth.

"I'm sorry, Y/n." She spoke with a low tone.

I stayed silent for awhile. It wasn't her fault anyways.

She sat on my bed, next to me and hugged me tightly, "I kept it for a reason.. I wanted you to just forget about her and start a new without knowing that her dad died and with the family rivalry happening." Jeongyeon's voice started to shake a little.

"I didn't want you to get hurt all over again." She sniffed while I sat still with a cold expression.

"It's okay, we live in a world where lies are always told." I stood up and walked away.

"Damn it, Y/n." Jeongyeon mumbled frustratingly while wiping her tears away.

You were always that one type of person who would hold grudges against people if they did something or spoke about a thing that offended you, so you always stay mad at them for awhile.

You sighed angrily while stomping towards the front door with your black sweater on, worrying your younger brother a bit.

It was quite chilly outside because of the cold breeze but it didn't bother me much.

I walked past several houses and intersections that I didn't notice how far I was from home.

After awhile of wondering on the streets, I finally realized that I was kind of lost. I try retracing my steps but it got me more confused.

Now I'm really lost...

I found a bench to sit on and looked through my pockets for my phone until I comprehended the fact that I left it at home.

Now I'm more fucked up

I take a few moments to think over a plan to get back home but most of the time I panicked and almost got into a mental breakdown.

"Okay, calm down. You can just borrow some random stranger's phone, you just have to ask." I look around my surroundings but there was barely any people on the streets to ask. It was just bare streets and buildings, it almost seemed like a ghost town.

"Ah, shit." I mess up my hair in fear and panic.

What should I do??

While in the process of a mild breakdown, I see a familiar face in the distance with a couple of people giggling and smiling brightly.

"Tzuyu?" I spoke to myself.

I stand up, squinting at the faces from a far. Turns out I was right. It was Tzuyu, Dahyun, Momo, and Sana laughing together with tons of shopping bags on their arms.

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