Twice Jihyo; opposites pt.3

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Warning: this is fucking long

I looked towards the clock and it showed that it was four o'clock in the afternoon.

Jihyo left around three which makes her gone for a long time but I still kept my patience.

It was bright and hot today and in her room was warm which made it hotter. I began to take my sweater off and fan myself.

"Just a normal summer day, isn't it?" I spoke to myself.

I looked around her room and saw a fairly large photo book with pictures slipping out. I glance around and took a hold of the fat book.

"I guess a little snooping around doesn't hurt." I opened the book to the first page and what I saw was quite surprising.

It was pictures of what seems like past boyfriends. One photo had a name beside it, "Chanyeol? Didn't he move away two years ago?" There was another one that was very unfamiliar.

"Secret boyfriend, Youngjae." The photo was Jihyo and a dude who supposedly to be Youngjae were connecting foreheads with the sun setting in the middle.

The rest of the pages are just two of them until photos of Yoongi starts to appear. There were many cheesy captions beside the pictures. For example, 'the greatest love of my life' or 'together forever'.

When I reached to the near end of the book, there were photos that were scribbled out with a black marker but when I inspected the pictures closely it was Yoongi with Jihyo and drawn pictures of a shattered heart.

I lower my eyes in pity then I finally closed the photo book, "she had three boyfriends in total in the past five years."

"Correct." A voice spoke. I turned towards the door and see Jihyo standing with crossed arms with a quite dissapointed expression.

"I-I'm so sorry, I-I J-just got curious and I-"

"Didn't I tell you not to do anything while I'm gone?" She started to walk towards me.

She pins me down at her desk where her photo book laid undisturbed, "I told you, didn't I?" My lip trembled and I couldn't say anything at all out of nervousness.

"No answer?" Jihyo tilts her head to the side.

I gulped, "y-yeah, you did." I stammered.

Jihyo traces her hand from my red cheeks to my collar bone slowly. I flinched a bit from the ticklish sensation that Jihyo made from tracing her fingers.

"W-what are you doing?" I nervously question.

Soon after, both of her hands run through my hair. She fixed my bangs so it would be straight and the rest of my messy hair.

"You look too much like him." Jihyo's eyes glistened, then pulled me into a deep kiss.

Instead of a sensual deep kiss it was more like a soft but passionate type of kiss. Like it was never meant to be dirty or sexual, it was just like a 'I missed you so much and love you too much' type of kiss.

So I didn't resist, I just let Jihyo do her thing and go with the flow of the situation.

We soon separate and gasp for air. I took a quick glance at her and her expression seems a bit off, which is the first time seeing her this way.

"Let's keep this a secret, okay?" She held my chin up then gave a warm smile.

"I'll be right back." Again, she left out-of the door with me confused.

"What's wrong with her today? First she's dominate and serious now she's just so submissive and soft." I rubbed the back of my neck as I thought more of Jihyo.

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