Twice Mina; rain

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requested by StayAwayFromMyMina


Rain. Droplets of water coming from the dark clouds from above. Some say it's a comforting sound to hear when it hits their windows constantly but some say it's a bad day for it to rain.

I don't fit in those categories. I love to walk or run around in the rain. Getting the cold touch from the droplets feels unusually pleasant for me. Running around in it feels even better.

Of course, I get a little sick from it but it's the best way to relieve some stress.

When it's a totally shitty day I always wished for rain so after a long day of work I can run around in small puddles and feel the satisfying coldness hitting on my skin.

But there is a strange thing about rain. You can sometimes smell it. It usually smells like an ocean or a lake but it's understandable because the whole water cycle comes from the ocean and the lakes but along with it is the smell of fear.

The slight smell of the ocean delivers a message. A fearful message, a call for help. Every shower of water coming from above with the smell of salt carries out a message.

I always followed it and it always led me to the place where they sent it, although I'm always met with a lifeless body sitting on the wet surface.

This ability allowed me to tend to others when they needed assistance but I wasn't always on time. It pains me to see a life taken when it could've been prevented.

I always saw it on the news. The series of murders on the streets that I could've stopped. I do love the rain but the rain gave me missions. It's as if god was watching and couldn't stand the human corruption on the streets so decided to send me there.

My conscience gets heavier by the day. The string of crimes happening every week puts me down like a sick dog given mercy.

I wanted to help them, the rain carried out the message to do so but I just couldn't. I didn't have the qualifications to do it so why me? Why give me this damn ability if I can't even use it to it's fullest?

Questions bounce around in my head and thoughts raced through my mind. I couldn't stand the mental noise of myself so I just took a walk around the park.

Of course, it had to start raining. This meant another person desperately needed help but why bother? I wouldn't make it on time anyways.

I ignored the strong scent of fear. I blocked the message that the rain sent me. I couldn't do it. I didn't want to see another dead body on the ground again.

All went silent except for the droplets of water hitting the ground. The clouds rained harder while the sky turned darker. The scent was noticeable but the shrill scream of a young girl echoed through my head.

It continued, it wasn't clear but I could make out the words. The rain wanted me to help them, it was an extremely desperate call.

I squeezed my eyes tightly for a quick minute, "hold on for a little longer, stranger." I dashed through the streets and followed the screams.

It got louder once I got closer along with the scent. It wasn't any message the rain carried out for me, it was a total horror for me to hear.

I wanted to run faster, I wanted to help them, I wanted to save one damn person while utilizing this fucking ability.

The screams were so clear it was horrifying but I didn't want to turn back now. I needed to be a hero, just this once!

I've followed the scent and the loud shrieks and it was in an alleyway. I peaked from behind a corner and I saw a woman struggling to get a man of her. She was in the process of getting boned without consent.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2019 ⏰

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