Itzy Ryujin; tensions

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The sounds of loud heels echo through the hallway filled with terrified students. They cleared a path for the infamous five who have basically taken over the school with their bullying schemes.

They all mutter gossip and rumours about these five girls, although they don't give any attention to anyone other than their victims.

And of course, it had to be me. Life began to become difficult over the past month because of these annoying bullies targeting me and to be honest all their schemes against me began to grow old along with the intimidating character they act throughout the day.

So every day, they walk together as five towards me and drag me along with them to be their so-called "slave".

Every single damn day they use me for their advantage and it's always the same person using me. They never used me altogether, in fact, that was a rumour! Only one girl was using me to complete her homework, fetching things, and carry her stuff.

It was the one and only, Shin Ryujin.

"Time to start the day, loser," she smirked and grabbed my necktie to drag me to wherever they were going.

I sighed and followed the routine of the day.

We made our way to "their" clubroom and grabbed some chairs. I opened my backpack and brought out homework from yesterday to give up to Ryujin.

"Your expression becomes more serious as the day passes. Is something wrong? Or have you finally have the balls to face us." she sneered but earned a light nudge from her friend, Yeji.

"Just tired of your pathetic routine." I talked back.

She flinches at my insult but she was held back from her friends who are nicer than her and not really bullies but people still afraid of them.

I yawned and sat back while watching her fume in anger you might as well say that I'm crazy but I'm bored as hell because of her stupid routine of giving her homework.

"When are you going to learn that cheating doesn't make you any smarter than you are right now," I told her.

"I don't need a lecture from you right now." She finally broke out of her members grasp and grabbed me by the collar.

I smile slightly and gazed at her in the eyes, "you really do like picking on me don't you?" She drops me as I finished my sentence.

"You're so annoying. I wished you were still terrified of me.." she mutters angrily.

"Hey relax, you're the one who got yourself involved with this." Her other friend, Yuna spoke.

"That really doesn't help."

Yuna shrugs and crosses her arms, "what's the point of using him if he isn't even afraid of you at this point?"

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