Twice Tzuyu; magic

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Requested: 아니
Type: magic stuff, fluff


It was a normal day in the human world. A clear sunny bright day, while in the other side, it was war. Ashes filled the air, and thick black smoke covered the sky, only having specks of light come through.

Currently, war broke out in Fieldian, the other side of earth but known as the magic lands.

The war was between the human rogues and the wizards of Fieldian. The humans believed that magic was a horrible thing, so they somehow got into Fieldian and started to attack the nearby towns, burn down shops that sells magic related things, killed innocent people of the town, including slaughtering people who practice magic.

Then the army of Fieldian, who consists of many experienced wizards and witches, along with magic powered arsenals, that are equipped by soldiers made a brawl against the rogues, having to deal with explosives thrown by the human rogues.

There were many casualties along the way but the war went on.

The council of Fieldian, but so called the government in human terms, they stated that citizens, between the ages of fourteen to around thirty years old, will be sent a letter to go to Wizardry Arts and Training, which is basically an academy for training citizens to become wizards in battle.

You, fortunately got a letter from the council which you were actually happy about it, because you always had some type of hatred towards the human world, and you wanted to go in battle as a wizard.

So you were pulled out of your highschool to go to the academy, so you can fully focus on the stuff they teach you.

Right now, you're packing up a bunch of clothes for the weeks to come in the academy, and packing your magic books to study, along with your wand.

"Y/n, you have to eat your breakfast!" Your mom yelled.

"I know! Just let me finish packing up first!" You yelled back.

You quickly zipped your luggage, then checked your bag, to see that all your books and supplies are in there.

"Finally, everything is ready.." you exhaled.

You wore your bag and brought your luggage to the main part of the house, which is downstairs.

"Luckily we live in a magical world." You let go of your luggage, and held up your wand, mumbling a spell that you learned in school.

The luggage slowly started to float and followed you, as you walked down the stairs.

Once you got to the main floor, a smell of fresh baked pancakes made your mouth water a little, but the sight of it made you hungry.

You immediately sat down at the table, muttering words to dispel the enchantment on your luggage, making a loud thud once it fell.

"Your pretty excited for a boy going into the lines." Your mom said, while serving you, your breakfast.

(Lines are practically the army, in this story.)

"It's just those humans, they attacked us."

"Remember we're the same race as them."

"Not technically, some of us are elves y'know." You said.

"You are right. Anyways eat your breakfast, or you'll be late." Your mom uttered.

You went straight to eating, finishing in minutes which amazed your little brothers, except for one.

"Good luck in the lines, I heard they are really strict." Your brother, Jungkook said, having half of his attention towards his phone.

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