Red Velvet Seulgi; sweet lies pt 2

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Please read part one if you haven't yet


"You can't just ask for a chance, you have to earn it." I spoke, which lit up Seulgi's eyes.

"Does that mean that I could still be with you?" She spoke in a faithful tone.

I nodded slightly, "but you have to break your bad habits and end it with that Chim Chim guy."

"And we'll have start over, like at the very beginning." I continued.

That made Seulgi pause for a second, as if she's thinking about something, "what do you mean at start at the very beginning?" She questions.

"The time when we didn't know each other." I answered.

"Does that mean that you'll still move away?"

"Yes, but you have three weeks to earn my heart back." I advised.

Seulgi looked at me with tints of sadness and doubt, "what happens if three weeks pass and I haven't earned your heart?" I thought about the consequences after the three weeks, "then we break up officially."

Seulgi's face fell into worry and despair, "fine. I bet you will fall for me after the first week." She smirks.

"Depends on what my heart says." I went towards our room to get my bags.

"Tomorrow morning it will start."

"Wait, then it would end on May 22nd, the day of our third anniversary." She speaks in serious tone.

"Yep; I really hope we'll come back together before that day."

She looks at me, filled with delight and with faith, "alright, I'll see you tomorrow." She smiles widely.

I glance over to her, "hope so." Then I left the apartment and took the elevator down to the first floor.

I went down the street and saw my friend's car passing by, "hey!" I waved my hand, signaling her to stop.

"There you are! Now come on inside, so we can settle you down at my place." My dear friend, Wendy spoke.

"Thanks, plus is Yeri still staying over your place?" I ask, which Wendy nods in response.

"Yep, she's still sulking over her boyfriend cheating on her."

"Really? What's that jerk doing now?"

"He is trying to get her back." Wendy spoke with a slightly frustrated tone.

"Yeri's taste in people needs some improvement, like it's now the third time she has been in a relationship now." I admitted.

"At least this person is trying to get her back." Wendy added.

"You're right."

"I'm always right." She teases.

I chuckled, "you're probably right everytime."

Time skip (the first day/ May 2ND)

"Y/n, wake up!" A familiar voice shouts then I felt a pillow hit my face.

I quickly sit up while holding the place the pillow hit on my face, "what do you want?" I groaned.

"I heard about your deal with Seulgi." Yeri smiles.

"So what?" Yeri looks at me with a mischievous smile.

She pulls me out of bed, dragging me to the basement, "shouldn't I have breakfast?" I ask.

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