Twice Sana; Stay

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Type: fluff


It was a bright afternoon, with flowers blooming pretty colours, and with the bird singing, with the kids finally playing outside.

But something was missing, it was someone important that was missing this moment with me.

It was Sana, she had a tour with her members to Japan which leads a long distance relationship for a week, but Sana promised to contact you every day, to catch up on things.

But it doesn't seem to be enough. We missed our warm hugs and kisses which it does make the long distance relationship, slowly become difficult to bear but we had to go through it.

Unexpectedly, your phone buzzed with a handful of notifications.

You checked and it turns out that your friends were asking you to drink with them later tonight but then you saw Sana's notification.

It was something really important, but a specific part in the text got you real excited.

You were going to Japan, because they were short on staff and the concert was only a day away, but they haven't finished the stage decorations.

The company bought you the earliest plane ticket to Japan, so you can start helping out as soon as possible.

As soon as you entered the airport, you were nearly late, because of how early the flight was scheduled.

You boarded the plane on time, taking off after the announcements about safety and other stuff, that didn't seem important to you.

Your excitement kept you from sleeping throughout the flight, making you suffer a few hours of the flight, before landing on to Japanese territory.

When you exited out of the airport, you spotted your driver. Then you entered the private car, with a security official by your side.

When you stepped inside the stadium, you already saw how behind the staff was and how stressed they were, so you announced your presence.

You took off your jacket, getting to work, by starting off the hard part.

Time skip.

Hours has passed and your muscles were aching but nearly every thing was finished, they just had to test and rehearse the songs they were performing.

You were exhausted, that you couldn't bare the aching so you took a break for a few minutes, until the aching goes away.

"Are you okay?" Sana showed up, with a worried expression.

"Yeah, I'm fine." You smiled slightly.

"You knuckle head, I was worried!" Sana hugged you tightly.

You embraced Sana, as you chuckled slightly by her reaction.

You two pulled away, breaking the hug but you gave Sana a quick kiss before pulling away.

"How long will you stay?" Sana asked.

"After a few days, I'm going back to Korea."

"And how much is a few days?" Sana asked, curiously but excited at the same time.

"Three." You responded, happily.

Sana squeaked in excitement, making the staff looking for the source where the sound emitted.

Sana immediately embraced you into her arms, smiling ear to ear that you were with her also attending to her concert, giving her a chance to show off her skills on stage.

Those three days were the days, that you made Sana the most happiest woman in your life, making her life so much brighter than it already was.

But today was your last day in Japan also the last day that you will see Sana in person, until the end of the week.

You held Sana's soft hands. "I'll see you soon." I smiled sadly.

"Can't you stay any longer?" Sana asked, looking into your chocolate like eyes.

"Sadly I can't, I have work to do." You caressed Sana's puffed cheeks.

Sana pouted, wanting you to stay but because of some circumstances you couldn't stay.

"Make sure you keep yourself healthy okay?" Sana gave you a quick kiss, then sent you off, waving with some glistening in her eyes.

I'll see you soon. You gave a big smile, waving back before dissolving into the crowd.

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