Red velvet Wendy; The two of us.

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Type: fluff
What am I doing with my life.


It's been awhile since two went on a date or even spend time with each other, but the circumstances currently made it too difficult, making you have multiple thoughts of breaking up.

SM decided to make Wendy date someone else, so not only she gets popular but the company as well, sucking the popularity off of Wendy.

You felt so much anger towards SM, for budging into our relationship.

Your phone started to ring continuously, you picked up your phone and it was Wendy calling you.

"Y/N~" You heard Wendy say.

"Are you doing alright?" You asked.

"Yes, of course!"

"Is that guy doing anything bad to you?"

"No, if he did I'll tell you." Wendy assured.

"Don't lie okay?" You tried not to act curious or suspicious.

"I won't, I promise." Wendy replied.

You two continued to talk over the situation rigjt now, fillimg in with each other but you seem to be a bit irritated.

Wendy kept on talking about how good and kind the guy was, it made you jealous.

"Fucking Chen." You muttered.

"What was that Y/N?" Wendy curiously asked.

"Uh, nothing!" You breathed in relief that Wendy didn't hear that.

"Look, uh Wendy I got to go but I'll call you later." You spoke.

"Oh, alright." You heard the disappointment of Wendy's voice.

"Cya, love you." You uttered.

"Love you too." Wendy responded back.

After you ended the call, with a light smile on your face but still feeling little anger because of how jealous you are.


Weeks has passed and you're aren't feeling productive as you usually do, but you were blaming it on to SM, for taking away the reason why you're still living.

Now you're in the state, where you started to drink, waking up late, getting lectures from your boss day after day, not getting your work done on time, and so much more.

Just because you didn't have Wendy by your side.

"Wendyyy, where are youu." You mourned.

You were drinking again, until the point where you were totally drunk and worst yet, you were alone in your apartment.

Without anyone with you while drunk, things can go terribly wrong; if you tried to do some kind of act like trying to juggle knifes, or even trying to set water on fire.

It's like all of your brain cells just left you with one until you become sober.

You tried calling Wendy but your fingers wouldn't press the right numbers so instead you just drank more, giving up on calling people.

"I neeed hellpp." You slurred.

You hang your head down, not thinking straight.

Then suddenly you heard a knock on your door, making you wonder but not having the urge to stand up and unlock it.

Multiple knocks came at your door, thats when you got slightly annoyed so you stood up and practically limped to the door and unlocked it, surprising you with a person you dearly loved.

Wendy was soaked in water, shivering by the coldness of the weather, crying as if she was hurt physically, and some red marks around her face.

"Wwhat happened?" You tried to pronounce the words perfectly.

"Just let me come in." Wendy asked firmly.

You let her in with no hesitation, stumblimg to the side.

Wendy came in, along with her dripping clothing.

You sat on the couch, staring blankly at your TV while waiting for Wendy to explain the situation.

"Y/N... Why did you drink all of a sudden?" Wendy asked from afar.

"Because of that shitty company you're workingg at and that boyfriend you hadd." You answered.

You heard a sigh from Wendy, then sounds of steps coming closer to you followed.

"You shouldn't be doing this.." Wendy patted your head.

You emitted a low mourn, missing the touch of Wendy's hands.

"Don't don't do this again while I'm gone, okay?" You slowly drift off to dreamland, in Wendy's arms.

Slowly everything went black and you felt your body getting warm from a unknown source but didn't mind much, all you cared about was sleep.

Time skip

As hours passed you slowly open your eyes from your deep slumber, being awakened from a lingering smell of food, mixed together with a smell of smoke or flames.

Then you jumped from your bed, running to the kitchen, hoping that nothing gets caught on fire.

You were left wondering. There was no one in the kitchen until you glanced at your balcony.

Wendy was grilling something; looking at the time it was nearly two in the afternoon.

"Was I sleeping for that long?" You rubbed your head from disbelief.

Then you sneaked to the balcony, where Wendy was grilling some barbeque, then you captured her into your arms.

"Y/N!" Wendy yelped in surprise.

You buried your head into Wendy's shoulders while gently squeezing Wendy's waist from behind.

"Is it just the two of us now?" You asked, trying to hide your worry.

"Yes, just the two of us now." Wendy responded happily.

You kissed a little patch of Wendy's skin on her neck, smiling happily.  



Fucking happy new year.

This took time to publish, because of lack of inspiration but hey.

At least I published, but I don't have any fucking requests, like wtf.

Sorry if I sound desperate.

Hope you guys had a good 2018 but if you didn't, I hope 2019 will be better.

Good day or night, where ever you are.

922 words

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