Red Velvet Irene; romance

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Requested by: user54928461
mature but no smut

I am literally the most inconsistent author in the world.

It was a Sunday afternoon, a lonely one in fact. Your girlfriend, Irene is out working until midnight and you planned to surprise her with something but you were afraid that you'll ruin it because of your natural nature of messing things up.

You lay your body on the comfortable couch in your living room, dozing off and thinking about your girlfriend. You missed her presence around the house and you barely get to see her or cuddle with her because of how early she had to leave, along with how late she comes home.

"When are we going to spend time together?" You ask yourself.

I sigh heavily and stood up, I roam around the house out of boredom. I gaze at the painting hung up on the walls then to the kitchen area, my stomach grumbles.

I glance at the clock, it was lunchtime. "Another lonely lunch break." I go to the fridge and brought out leftover pizza from yesterday's failed surprise.

I attempted to surprise Irene with snacks and pizza as sort of a special cheat day since she was on a diet and she was already skinny, so the idea of going against her diet came to mind.

She refused to eat since she already ate dinner with her members at a restaurant but she did eat some of the snacks I've prepared while writing her lyrics last night.

I microwave the pizza, then munched on the greasy lunch while scrolling through social media.

I laugh silently at hilarious cat videos posted online.

As I relaxed throughout the day I receive a text notification, once I saw the contact name I squeal in happiness.

It was from Irene, "I will be back home earlier than usual :D." I read out loud.

A big smile plastered on my face as I reread it, I was overwhelmed with emotions and butterflies flew crazily in my stomach. I was the happiest person alive knowing that I get to spend some time with my precious girlfriend.

-6:00 pm-

Dinner time was nearly ready but Irene was still not present. Plus she didn't really tell me what time she was coming home at but it was definitely before twelve am.

I set down two plates with microwaved leftover pizza. There was a lot of pizza in the fridge and I didn't want to waste it all since it was thirty bucks for three boxes of it, plus it would be a waste of food so I'm pretty much eating pizza for the next four days.

I sit alone at the table, gazing sadly at the table across from me. I pick up the greasy crust and took a bite out of the pizza, "When will she be back?" I set my chin onto the palm of my hand.

I gobble up my oily dinner and placed my plate in the sink, I sighed then walked away. I lay down on the sofa and turned on the tv, watching repetitive game shows that are on at this hour.

-7:00 pm-

Another hour has passed and she still isn't here yet. My hope of her coming here early is dying out and I was really hoping she wasn't lying.

I gave up yearning and decided to go to sleep earlier than I expected to since I have work in the morning, although butterflies began acting up once I heard keys jingling behind the front door.

After I heard locks clicking then the door slowly swung open. It was Irene behind the door, "Irene!" I jumped out of the couch and skipped towards her and hugged her tightly.

She hugged back with a big grin, "Do you really miss me that much?"

I vigorously nodded and traced my fingers down her arm to her hands. Without seeing her for weeks I've kind of forgot how hot she was and how easily she can put me into the mood.

I kiss her neck repeatedly, inhaling her scent. My lips made its way to her soft lips that I missed so dearly and began kissing her with passion.

She held my hips while I hold onto her shoulders. The kiss gradually began to become messier as the atmosphere begins to shift.

"I missed this," I whispered.

"Me too." Irene's hands sneaked under my garments, gliding over my delicate skin.

"I want this off you." She spoke sternly as she held the hem of my shirt.

I took it off and revealed most of my torso to her. I become flustered while she stares at my body, I avoid her eyes and hid most of my stomach but she immediately grabbed my hands, moving them away.

"You're beautiful." She stares then dived into my neck, planting several small pecks all over. It tickled a bit but the sensation felt magical and warm. Her lips trailed to mine, initiating another rough make-out session.

I set my hand on her cheek while the other tried to take Irene's shirt off. She smirked at my attempt, "needy, aren't you?"

"What can you expect? We haven't done this for months." I responded with a subtle flirtatious tone.

"Fine. I'll give it to you." Irene stripped and went back to kissing me roughly once her pants came off. She was the only one with all of her undergarments showing while I still had my pants on. 

Her lips were busy with mine but her hands weren't. She kept groping my ass and gliding over my prized possession, it was a form of teasing which worked amazingly on me. I kept letting out small whimpers and moans every time she teased me, I could tell she was going nuts about it but she put up with it, although her harsh movements gestured that she was impatient and ready to move onto the next step. 

"Irene.." I moaned her name loudly, this was her tipping point. 

"I can't hold back anymore.." I heard her mutter.

She clasped onto my wrist and rushed into the bedroom. She locked the door then connected with my lips roughly, her hands went directly to my privates. She liked playing rough and dirty.

The night went on with satisfying moans and pleasure filling up our bodies, it was the best night ever for both of us.

1071 words.

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