Twice Momo; recharge

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It was a busy day for Momo, since she had to perform on stage with her members and based on what the schedule says, they're going to come home late.

You were present, supporting Momo during rehearsal but you couldn't stay for the real show because of work.

"Momo, are you okay?" You handed her a towel, to wipe her sweat off.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Momo breathed heavily.

You gave a look towards Momo, saying if she was really okay and she just nodded, then smiled.

"I'm okay, Y/N. I'm sure." Momo held both of your hands, rubbing her thumbs against it.

"Sorry, I was just worried." You hang your head low.

"It's alright, everyone worries." Momo patted your head.

After you heard her members calling her, for more rehearsals to make sure everything is perfect.

You watched the rehearsals and everything was perfect. The bright lights, the perfect sound of the music, the vocals that nine members emit. Everything was indeed perfect, in my eyes.

I looked at my watch, it was nearly time for my shift to start so I searched for Momo.

I found Momo with her members laughing and conversing but you didn't want to interrupt, so as silly as it sounds you texted Momo that you were going, although you two were only meters apart.

Momo's phone buzzed, indicating a notification.

Momo looked at you, smiling but behind that smile was a sad feeling that you were going, but Momo went up to you and kissed you by the cheek and wished you good luck, as her way of saying good bye.

You said your farewells to the other memebers, wishing them luck too for their performance, then left the stadium.

You walked towards your car, getting in and driving away to your workplace.

A few days has passed, but you two, now barely see each other because of the tight schedules that Momo has and your work that was accumulating over the days, that you have to bring them home to submit it in time.

The reason is that the company you were working at accepted a opportunity to become a bigger one, partnering with one of the biggest entertainment companies, which means we have to work much more harder 'cause of how huge the entertainment company was, so we get much more paper work and we needed much more designers to advertise the company and to make posters.

So, you took in both jobs as a designer and a finance manager, since not much of your co workers took that position, but it does have good pay but it is extremely stressful.

Right now, Momo was on break for a month and she's worried about you, since you would stay up until two in the morning, just to finish a large amount of work but not be able to spend time with Momo.

"Y/N, when would you stop and take a break?" Momo whined.

"I can't Momo, if I take a break I won't be able to submit this in time." You responded.

"It could be a short one." Momo got off the bed and made her way towards you, back hugging you while      resting her head on your shoulder.

"Momo I can't focus, with you on my back." You said firmly.

"But I need you, to spend time with you." You heard Momo's voice quiver, which made you realize that you were neglecting her, for the past few days.

"I'm sorry." You wispered.

You held Momo's hand, turning around so you can face her.

You kissed her hand that you were holding, apologising over and over.

"It's alright, just remember to give me sometime too." Momo cupped your face, then leaned towards you, connecting lips with pure passion.

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