Twice Jihyo; opposites pt. 2

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Please read the first one if you haven't

Long chapter ahead!

"Yugyeom! Where are you!" I try to hunt my younger brother to find his phone so I could delete the pictures or videos he took of my interaction with Jihyo.

I intruded inside his room just to find him lying down peacefully with his phone in hand.

He smirks mischievously, "what are you looking for, Y/n?"

"Your phone, now give it." I said sternly but Yugyeom wouldn't take me seriously.

"Why would I give you my phone? I know you're just going to look through my photo library to find those pictures and videos I took of you and the popular girl that you're going to take for prom. Which is surprising." I gave a unimpressed look .

I cross my arms, "look, just delete those pictures and videos you took and we'll be fine."


I groan in frustration, "what are you going to do with them anyways?"

"Blackmail you, obviously." Yugyeom continues to scroll through his phone, looking at memes about his classmates that his friend sent him.

I stand in between the doorway, blocking any entrance or exit. I stood there, stuck in thought on what to do to get a hold of his phone.

"Hey, are you already done running the shop?" Yugyeom asks.

"Yeah, dad took over a hour early before my shift ended." I respond plainly.

I walk over in my room to lay on my bed to continue thinking while Yugyeom laughs loudly at his phone.

How do I get his phone??

Minutes pass and I still lay there motionless until my phone buzzed, indicating a notification.

It was a text message from a unknown number but its context seems intriguing.

Unknown number

Hey y/n can you come over to help me on the math homework?

"This seems to be from Jihyo.." I mumbled to myself.


Okay, but where do you live?


At xxxxxx street
(too lazy to come up with a legit street name)

That's a bit far on foot, it would be quicker if I took dad's car to get there but I don't have a license.. guess I'll take public transportation.


OK I'll go there in about 15 minutes or more, depending on how busy traffic is


Okay, as long as you can get here~

I quickly get ready to go out, although my brother seems to be curious on where I'm going, "hey, Y/n! Where are you going?"

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