Blackpink Lisa; too busy to care

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Requested by: ITouchPeople
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It was late at night but I didn't feel like sleeping. The lights in my apartment were bright and the television screen shown bright images but I didn't pay any attention to it, instead looked at the clock.

I watch it tick every second, minute, and hour.

I was waiting for someone to come home and snuggle with me but as the hours pass they didn't come.

Many thoughts and worries pass through my head but now, I just have a blank mind. Too absorbed in watching the clock tick and waiting for her to even think one thought.

That was how much I was loyal to her, just like a dog waiting for their owner to rain them with love but right now I'm in a drought.

I've been starving for love but she didn't give any nor gave attention to me, instead she gave it all to the career she loves and to the members.

Now I'm just rotting away with despair and drowning in my own tears.

I sigh in disappointment and went towards our so called shared bedroom and laid there, then closed my eyes, waiting to fall asleep but my mind stays conscious.

"Just stop thinking about her!" I yell at myself but it still betrays me and mourns for my girlfriend.

Tears began to fall and the sound of the door opening echoes though the apartment.

"Lisa?" I spoke out and ran out of the bedroom but there was no sign of her.

"I must've.. imagined it.."

I sigh and went back to the bedroom, then I laid my body on the big bed. I hug the pillows for comfort but it didn't help me drift off to sleep, so I decided to drink warm milk.

I once again leave the bedroom and went towards our small kitchen. I pour the milk into the glass and place it inside the microwave, then heated it up for thirty seconds.

I plummet myself into the couch as I wait for the milk to heat up.

I stare blankly at the ceiling, "when is she coming home, anyways?" I spoke to myself.

Suddenly, I felt cold like the freezing cold wind hitting my skin. I look for the source and it was from my open balcony door.

I make my way to close it, although I heard faint voices below me so I step out into the cold and looked down.

I saw a car and two people. One of them seem to be drunk and the other is trying to get her into the building. Then the drunk one laughs out loud.

That laugh seems familiar

I continue to spy on them but it gets interrupted by the loud beeping of my microwave, so I went back inside and closed the balcony door then walked towards the kitchen to drink my lukewarm milk.

After gulping it all down I go inside the bedroom then plummet myself onto the bed. I get sleepier by the minute as I breathe slowly.

I'm finally set off to dreamland for only a few minutes until I get interrupted from the sound of a loud knock on my door.

"For fuck sakes!" I scream frustratingly.

I stomp to the door and swing it open but I was met with my drunk girlfriend and some guy who has a scared expression plastered on his face.

"I did not do anything to your girlfriend but she got drunk in a celebratory party with her members and I brought her home." He said timidly.

"And who are you?" I ask as he handed me my girlfriend into my arms.

"I'm just their manager."

"Okay, I have another question. Has she done anything to other people while being drunk?" 

"Well, yeah. She began to grind on random dudes after a few drinks and did some lap dance in front of our staff." I furrow my eyebrows.

"We tried stopping her but she kept on doing it for an hour or so." He adds in.

"Okay, well thanks for bringing her here."

"No problem." I shut the door and locked it then I bring Lisa towards the bedroom while I fall onto the couch.

"Fuck.." I whispered to myself as tears rolled down.

I sleep onto the couch until the next morning.

I wake up to the sound of someone whining and shaking me. I open my eyes on saw Lisa shaking me for food.

"Y/n, my head hurts." I grunt as a response and stood up to make soup.

She looks at me with concerned eyes while I prepare the medicine for Lisa's hangover.

"Y/n, are you okay?" She asks, playing dumb after last night.

"Do you think I am?" I aggressively placed the medication on the kitchen counter.

It scared her a bit but it didn't make feel any remorse towards her. She was the one who kept on staying late and didn't even tell me where she was for the past few weeks.

"Don't play dumb with me, Lisa. You know you've been going out every single night with your members and fucking around." I spoke harshly.

"What? I don't understand."

I sigh and showed her social media posts on my phone then pointed at the caption.

"Just hanging out with besties at night. You posted that a two nights ago."

She looks at me with worried eyes as tears began to build up, "I've been crying every fucking night and losing sleep because I didn't have you beside me."

"And when you finally came home last night with your manager telling me you've been drinking and dancing in front of random guys makes me think that this relationship doesn't mean anything to you." My voice cracks slightly.

"No, t-that's-"

"That's what? Not true? Then why were you drunk last night?"

She kept silent with a guilty expression painted all over her face but tries to hide it by avoiding my gaze.

"I can't deal with this anymore, Lisa." I said softly.

"I can't keep on getting hurt like this."I leave the kitchen to the bedroom and grabbed my luggage filled with clothes.

"Where you going?"

"Away from you, cheater." I grab my coat and left the apartment then dialed my friend's phone number.

"Y/n..." she calls for me one last time before she broke down in tears.

The end

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