Music partners

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Ever since that night, you two got closer over past few weeks and ever since then, she always refers you to a 'good friend'.

"Hey Y/n! The show date is coming closer, do you think we're ready?" Rosé asked enthusiastically.

"Depends on how confident you are." I answered simply.

"Hm, you're right but can we practice again tonight? Just to be sure." Rosé gave you a pleading look.

"Sure, it's your choice anyways."

Then after a few classes, we finally met up in our free time.

"There you are!" Rosé grabbed me from the arm, dragging me into the music room.

The music room was quite big, big enough to fit a real grand piano, along with many other instruments stored or hanged on the wall.

"Let's start." Then I started to press the keys of the piano.

Following the melody by heart and mind, I immediately got carried away; sinking deep in the sounds where chords play.

Rosé started singing in a voice that matched with the sounds of the piano, making the performance perfect in every way possible.

We performed perfectly on the spot, boosting Rosés' confidence.

"That was perfect Y/n!" Rosé happily spoke.

"Thanks." I said, covering my red face.

We talked more about the performance, boasting how good we were and complimenting our skills on music, ending up in a conversation on how we learned on playing these instruments.

"Huh, fascinating. There's always things I never knew about you Y/n, it's like learning something new for once." Rosé and I chuckled in amusement, because of the harmless joke she made.

"You're definitely right." I added.

We continued, learning more about each other with never ending smiles that came along the way, until out of no where a person just barges in.

"Rosé! We've been looking for you!" It's lisa, a friend of Rosé along with two other people, that she's great friends with.

"Oh, sorry. Me and Y/n were practicing." Rosé responded.

"Just next time tell us, so we don't have to arrange a literal hunt party for you." Rosé chuckled.

"Alright, alright I will."

"You better." Lisa glared.

Time skip

We're now at her house again, since Rosé felt like she needed more practice.

"You know Y/n, sometimes I feel intimidated by you." Rosé blurted out.

"Really?" I said in a confused tone.

"I mean, you're such a good pianist! You're so connected to the piano y'know." A tint of red and heat quickly rised up to my face.

"W-well t-thanks?" I stuttered.

"You're such a cutie too!" Rosé teased.

I immediately covered my face with the palm of my hands, heating up in embarrassment.

You don't need to compliment me that much..

We practiced for hours, until it was clearly midnight but since it was too dark and cold outside, I had to stay.

"Goodnight Y/n." Rosé yawned.

"Goodnight Rosé." I gave a tired smile.

We went to our seprate rooms and quickly fell asleep.

Time skip

"Have you seen those two? They're so cute!" It has been a couple weeks after our official performance and many rumors broke out.

The rumors were that we're dating, based off of how we looked at each other which only meant that we supported each other, but I guess they thought that we were a couple.

Every time we walked beside each other or just conversing, there would always be students murmuring about us; saying that they would totally support us IF we were a couple.

"When would be the time when we are actually alone?" I sighed.

"Atleast we know they support us." Rosé said, munching on her sandwich.

"Are you trying to tell me something?" Y/n smirked.

"W-what? No!" Rosé blushed.

"Why would I be in a relationship with you anyways?" Rosé looked away.

"Wow, such a dream crusher." I teased.

"Wait.. Are you actually willing to be in a relationship with me?" Rosé took the courage to glance at you.

"I mean, you're a great person so why not?" I smiled.

Rosé looked astonished, probably feeling half happy and half excited.

"Such an indirect way to confess.." Rosé mumbled.

"Look Y/n, if you were ever going to confess you have to say why you like me, like the whole story on why you like me." Rosé tried to say directly, without looking away.

"Well alright, I guess it started at that night when you layed upon me. You looked adorable and soft it made my heart flutter at little, sparking feelings for you." You responded.

There was a moment of silence after I finished, then Rosé finally spoke up.

"I guess it's my turn now, well it started at few days before that night. I did have little feelings about you before we met, because I found you pretty charming and talented. Then that night happened. I felt so safe within your arms, I wanted more of it but then I realized that I was fallimg for you." Rosé confessed shyly.

You smiled, then held one of her hands, making her look at you little confused.

"Now that we confessed, are we official?" You smiled brightly

"Yeah, of course!" Rosé jumped into your arms, startling you at first.

Several students witnessed the scene but hey, did it stop the couple from loving each other? Not one bit.

Finally I finished the request. I hope you like it Animeobsessed9738

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