Twice Tzuyu; magic pt.2

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As weeks passed, we started to do exercising drills, and learning complicated attack spells, which some are really silly to know, but really useful.

Like the glitter cloud, which is a spell that casts a literal cloud of glitter at your opponent, also these type of spells are known to be distraction spells.

Another one is attack spell, it's called plasma spark, and you just have to point your wand at your opponent in a steady stance, flick your wand foward, and chant the magic words to cast it.

The wand will shoot a bright blue spark that knocks down opponents, which this spell is commonly used, because it's really basic. You just need to remember the words to cast it.

Moving on, every single day we are sent into a simulation, where we are in battle with the rouges to practice new gear and new spells that we learnt.

Obviously several of us failed and only some has passed, which surprisingly I was in the list of failures. I did thought that I did good, but I casted the wrong spell and ended up fighting a giant opponent, which is a huge loss for me, had to go to the hospital wing to mend my broken arm.

Now for those who failed had to do the simulation again, while the ones that passed gets to move on to the next subject.

"This sucks.." I mumbled, as I fix my coat.

I looked around the area, glancing at the magic-powered-weaponry, touching the heavy gear laid out on the table, and finally, I walk up to the leaderboard to see all of the people pass on top, while all the ones that failed on the bottom.

"Everyone proceed to the simulation area!" The general yelled, as he opens the door to a blank, white, large empty room.

As we enter the room, there were black lines on the floor, connecting with other lines on the walls and ceiling, it looked like it was a grid.

"Starting simulation." A robotic voice said.

In a blink of an eye, we enter the battlefield with our wands, and our weapons.

"Shit." I ran for cover at a damaged car, trying to evade the incoming bullets from the rouges.

I cast quick attack spells at the enemy, knocking a few enemies down.

We tried to hold them off, but they are stepping closer and closer, almost surrounding us in a circle.

"They're surrounding us!" A guy yelled.

"No shit.." I relpy.

I search for a way out, but they have completely trapped us in a circle, firing at us with fire arms.

"We have literally no chance at all at defeating them right now." I heard one of my comrades say.

I widen my eyes in realization, "make a distraction!"

The plan was to divert their attention to something else, then attack them with our spells.

"Great idea." One of my team mates casted a glitter cloud, which made the rouges cough and covered in glitter, but it gave us a chance to attack.

"Distrum ahetom!" I chanted as I pointed my wand to one of the rouges, and a bright blue spark was released from the wand, bouncing off of three rouges, knocking them down.

"Well done soldiers." A voice announced.

"You guys are one step away from fighting in a real battlefield.."

Time skip

It was dark and cold outside, but I was able to sneak out of the dorms and roam around the place.

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