Red Velvet Seulgi; great times

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Requested: nope
fluff? kinda has mature themes in it


It was late at night and my phone kept on ringing, over and over again. Keeping me wide awake for so many hours. I didn't want to answer it, I couldn't.

The caller was someone I didn't want to see again or hear from. I curl myself into a ball and cry silently, hugging my knees towards my chest.

"Just leave me alone..." I muttered. I reach for my phone and press the red button and blocked the number but somehow, they were still able to contact me through several different numbers.

A text pops up.


I'm not letting you go unless you answer my calls


Just leave me alone Jennie. shouldn't you be happy with your affair with another girl?


It's just that I miss you, okay?
please just answer the phone.


you shouldn't have cheated then...

you cannot contact this number.
you've been blocked

I sharply let out a sigh as I throw my phone on the other side of the bed, where my ex used to sleep on.

"Asshole..." I snuggle against my pillow, burying my head deep into the soft comfort of the cushion while drifting away into sleep.


It was ten in the morning and I was already late for work, so I called in 'sick' for today. I make myself a coffee and grabbed a slice of bread to put it into the toaster then took out a jar of peanut butter.

My phone buzzes, indicating a text notification. It was the stubborn ex who regrets losing a person like me.

"Shut up!" I threw my phone across the room, luckily it landed on the couch.

I sit and ate my plain breakfast. I chew aggressively, the thought of Jennie makes my heart crack but at the same time annoyed at how hypocritical she is.

"She should be happy now that I've been kicked out of her life." I kicked the chair across me hard.

"She should just go fuck around some more!" I yell.

My phone keeps buzzing, making me more irritated by the second. I stomp my way to the catch and grabbed my phone. I decided to call her. The cheater answers.

"Fuck off, would ya! Stop trying to contact me!"

"Look, I'm sorry. I just... I want you back, I want to correct things between you and me." She pleaded.

"Go kill yourself, the only thing that needs correcting is you." I barked.

"You're the only mistake here, so stop bothering me and fuck some other girl!" I abruptly ended the call on that note.

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