Twice Tzuyu; my best friend

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I had a really bad writer's block :(


It was a clear and sunny morning, the perfect weather for playing outside but too bad its was a school day.

I groan tiredly, "great, it's Monday.." I get up from my comfortable bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

I come down stairs, meeting my parents and my two other siblings eating a delicious breakfast.

"Y/n has to go to school today!" My younger brother teases.

I sigh, "you're lucky that you don't have to leave the house today."

I get a reassuring pat on the back from my sister, Jeongyeon, "at least I'm there with you."

"As if. You're always hanging out with your friends."

"Well it's because they're my friends, idiot."

"Hey, you two eat your breakfast." my mom quickly interrupts before me and my sister get into a fight.

I quickly ate a bowl of cereal and went to the bathroom to shower. After I pick out my uniform, which is a white polo and a dark blue vest, then I wore my baggy sweater over it.

I grab my bag and stuffed in my books, along with homework I had on the weekend. I glance at the clock, "it's too early for me to leave yet." I walk down the stairs with my phone in hand.

"Hey, Y/n! Did you know that there's a new girl that transferred a day ago." Jeongyeon said excitingly.

"No, why?"

"Well, I searched her up and she's literally the daughter of a rich family!" I look at my older sister weirdly, "isn't that creepy? Searching up people and how do you know her name?" I question.

"There was a rumor about it." Jeongyeon says, plainly.

I sigh, "you know, you can't always assume that those type of rumors are true."

"I know."

I facepalm, "sometimes I feel like I'm supposed to be the older one."

I plummet myself on to the couch, using my phone out of boredom and to past time.

After awhile, I finally leave the house with my sister by my side, making our way to school. "Do you think the new girl will come over to school today?" Jeongyeon curiously ask.

"I'm not sure, maybe?"

As we walk along the sidewalk there were many familiar students, especially our friends that walks the same path as us.

"Hey, Y/n!" My bestfriend, Jinyoung waved.

I wave back and smiled, then I saw Jeongyeon gathering her friends in one big clump, "what the actual fuck are you doing."

"We travel in packs, Y/n!" Jeongyeon spoke.

"You're weird as fuck, Jeongyeon." We continue to walk to school in a big clump, which is embarrassing since they're the loudest people that I've ever known but also the most popular ones in school.

So almost everybody in our neighborhood knows about us, but Jeongyeon is more known than I am, since I'm more of the introverted type.

After 15 embarrassing minutes, we finally arrive at school on time. I go ahead of my sister and made my way to my classroom.

"Y/n, slow down!" Jinyoung yelled. I stop in my tracks to wait for my friend.

"Hurry up, I don't have all day."

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