Twice Mina; casual day inside

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Type: fluffy


It was a pretty nice day outside but we didn't feel like going outside.

Mina was a introverted type of person, so she would always send me out to get groceries, but if she is in the mood, we would go out on casual coffee dates.

Right now Mina was just laying on the bed with her penguin onesie on, with her phone in hand, watching some type of entertainment video.

I was working in the living room, on assembling our shelves and moving the heavy boxed shape shelves to a space, that seems pretty empty.

"Geez, this is a lot of work." You breathed heavily, as your hands aches.

You walked up the stairs, where your shared room with Mina was.

"Still not out of bed?" You rested against the frame of the door.

"I.. yeah, I don't really want to get up." Mina paused to look at your well built body.

"You missed breakfast." You crossed your arms.

"Sorry, my consciousness was telling me not to get up." You tried not to laugh at Mina's excuse, but you couldn't help it but let out a little giggle.

"C'mon, I'll carry you downstairs." You made your way to the bed, then scooped Mina into your arms, walking towards the door.

You settled Mina on to a chair, then made her a warm breakfast of scrambled eggs with ketchup on it.

Mina always smiled brightly when you serve her eggs and ketchup, so you would serve her eggs and ketchup, nearly every morning unless we run out of eggs, or ketchup.

You went back to working on the unfinished shelf to keep yourself busy until Mina finishes eating, because you were planning on cuddling with her all day.

Turns out that was Mina's plan too.

Suddenly you felt something weight, that was against your back, turns out it was Mina acting like a child.

"Y/n, can please spend time with me?" Mina acted, as if she was a child.

"Says you." I joked, earning a playful punch from Mina.

Then we began a tickling battle, but it was mostly an revenge attack.

I then hugged Mina, on the couch while we rest for a bit, after those long minutes of laughing.

"I'm happy that I have a boyfriend like you." Mina snuggled close to your firm chest.

"Me too, my lovely girlfriend." I kissed her forehead.

We stayed like this until it the sun sets, which surprised us since it felt like the whole universe wasn't moving at all, but we all shrugged it off and ate dinner with happy smiles.

This is the fluffiest story I ever made, I might be wrong though, I might do better, ending up melting someone's heart.

  Eyy I updated two times in a row.

                        468 words

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