Twice Dahyun; Soft touch

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Requested: no (sadly)
Type: so fluffy
I hope you enjoy it.


Kim Dahyun, a girl with a bright personality, and a smile that could replace the sun.

Dahyun was a simple girl, she would go shopping like any girl would, she could be just having fun with her friends but how could I, Kim Y/N be with a girl like her?

It all started when I was going through the most depressing time, in my life and it gotten worse each day to the point, where I was ready to take my own life.

I stood by the bridge, looking down to the deep blue waters. I grabbed the railing and pulled myself up, then I sat on the bridge's structure.

"This will be my last moment.." I muttered under my breath.

I looked around and there wasn't much people, since the sun was slowly setting.

"I'll miss the sun." I smiled to myself, while memories started to flash, into my head.

"I'll probably miss everything but this world isn't for me." I started to weaken my grip, making me slowly slide.

"Hey Mister!" You looked towards the direction of the voice.

"Aren't you too young to die?" It was a girl, panting.

"It doesn't matter, my life has been hell anyways." You look back towards the flowing waters.

"But, what if I help you?" The girl's statement sparked your curiosity.

"Surprised you said that, no body likes me, nor cares about me." I pessimistically said.

"What if there was a person?" The girl walked towards you.

You scoffed in amusement. "There's no way anyone could likw me." You showed a face of amusement.

The girl cupped your face, making you face her. "You're such a downer." The girl showed off her bright smile.

You blushed by the fact, you were physically close with a girl you never knew.

"I'm Dahyun and I'm going to help you."

After that day, you two began dating for months now, loving each other's company, kisses, warmth and taking care of each other.

You were grateful that you met Dahyun, before you ended your life but you were slowly getting addicted to her.

You loved the way how she trails her fingers around your upper body, making you yearn for more like a dog, asking for belly rubs from their owner.

I know it may sound kinky in some way, but I totally meant it with pure innocence.

You were addicted to her. You would always wait for her to come home from work, staying up late at night just for her.

Like a loyal dog, you follow her and obey her no matter what kind of situation it was. If it was a fight, you would always be the one to apologize first, if Dahyun was just annoyed at you suddenly, you would constantly figure out ways to make her not annoyed at you.

Either way, you were constantly obedient towards her but sometimes you could be stubborn too.

Right now, you were sitting on the couch, waiting for Dahyun to come home so yoy tried to pass time with watching some shows but you simply couldn't focus on the TV 'cause you had Dahyun in mind, NOT in a dirty way.

Suddenly you heard a click from the front door of your guy's apartment.

Your curiosity and excitement started to go crazy, guessing who the person behind the door.

The door opened, revealing your lovely girlfriend in her work attire and her tired smile.

"Come here, you." You immediately ran towards her open arms, embracing her petite body.

You pecked her cheek, like a thousand times expressing your excitement which Dahyun found it really cute.

"You already miss me, that much?" Dahyun smiled.

"Of course I do! Being away from you for hours feels like days." You replied happily.

"You just never change do you?" Dahyun pulled you into a pure and passionate kiss, with her arms lacing around your neck.

                  I AM SOFTTTT.

                     665 words

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